8 Love's Promise

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"Why did she have to go out?"

Jordi cursed in answer to his own question. His wife and mother of his children was a midwife. Of course, she went out. Her sister's call was not to be ignored.

And now Mirabelle lay on their bed, feverish. The ugly bite on her forearm festering and the grey shade of death spreading. It was already making its way up to her shoulder.


Her whisper was hoarse.

"Bring my babies to me. Before it gets worse. I want to hold them one last time. Promise me, protect them from me. You know what you have to do. Keep your promise. Kill me before I turn."

I sat down on the edge of the bed and took her good hand. The one with her engagement ring and wedding band sparkling in the dim dawn. The skies wept my tears for me, drizzling soaking mist. If the sun peaked through, the drops would shoot tiny rainbows.

"They're getting smarter. I never saw them. They learned how to set up ambushes. I severed the heads on the first five, but one flanked me and bit my hand. Be careful. Let the others know."

Her eyes held Jordi's and he leaned over to kiss her.

"I never expected to have to do this."

"You have to. Don't let me turn. Look, the grey is past my elbow, almost to my shoulder. You know once it gets to the neck it's seconds until an infected victim turns. I don't have much longer."

"Zee and Zack are sleeping. They're only five. I don't want to remember you like this, Mirry."

She smiled as he called her by her nickname.

"I haven't heard that in a very long time. You're upset, and that doesn't even come close to everything you must be feeling, love," she whispered against his lips.

"My heart is shattering." Jordi croaked the words, as his throat closed with tears.

"I can feel the cold seeping through me. Like the ice crystals that form on the pond. Remember the night we watched?"

"I'll remember every second we have together." Jordi went over to the hook on the wall where his pistol belt and holster were hanging. His hand trembled as he pulled the gun free and brought it back to the bed.

"Close your eyes, Mirry. You don't need to see it coming. I'm sorry I didn't bring our twins to see you."

"You were right. They don't need to be here. There's no one but you in the house tonight. No one to take them away and stop the horror from being their last memory of Mommy. Better this way." Her words were eerily calm.

She grabbed my wrist and brought the gun to her temple.

"My shoulder is burning ice, love. Let your eyes be the last thing I see. The gift of death as promised. You know I would do the same for you."

He nodded. Reaching into the night table drawer he pulled out a silencer, screwed it onto the barrel and placed it against Mirabelle's left temple once more.

"I love you Mirry. There will never be another love in my life. I promise I'll keep our babies safe."

Her whiskey gold eyes stayed steady on his.

"Pull the trigger, love. I'm not afraid to go."

"No, it's me who is afraid to live without you," Jordi said.

"Pull it!" she demanded.

A quiet pop sounded as the light went out of her eyes.

"God forgive me for not being there for her," Jordi prayed as he collapsed onto her still chest. "I'm sorry." His lungs heaved with harsh sobs. "Goodbye Mirry, my love. I'll try to be strong. Only God can help me now."

Aim to Engage 2023Where stories live. Discover now