20 The Atlas

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The bookstore was at the end of a quaint row of shops in the middle of town. It had a huge display window sheltered by an awning which blocked the stark sunshine of midsummer in Louisiana. Two flowerpots graced the entrance, overflowing with trailing vines.

Melissa pushed the door open, and the scent of Earl Grey tea brought a smile to her lips. This wasn't just a secondhand repository for sad unwanted Harlequin novels.

"That smells heavenly," she said as she scanned the neatly organized shelves. A book trolley held another dozen hard-cover books ready to be returned to their proper place.

"Join me? Almost no one comes in here on a Tuesday afternoon."

"I love Earl Grey tea. Sure I'll join you."

Melissa watched as he flipped his shaggy blonde bangs out of his eyes. Interesting eyes, golden brown with a splotch of ice blue in the outer lower half of his irises. He had incredibly long eyelashes.

"My name is Orson. My parents have a thing for classic authors. Help yourself to fixings. "He finished pouring and handed me an over-sized ceramic mug, the same shade of blue as that odd patch in his eyes.

She looked around and spotted sugar, milk and honey sitting beside an emerald green glass jar with spoons in it. Stirring honey into her hot tea, she asked, "Do you have any lemons?"

"Not today. The ones at the market were squishy, and more than one had mold on it."

"Yuck, good call. I'm wondering why I didn't spot your shop sooner. I've been here for almost a year. By the way, I'm Melissa." She extended her right hand.

"Welcome to our little bookstore. We've got all sorts."

His hand was warm, and she understood his restraint when he stopped just short of hurting her knuckles with a firm squeeze. She tightened her own in response. There was something sweet about him.

She took her mug to an overstuffed armchair in the corner by the window and kicked off her shoes as she sat down. Curling her legs under her, she sipped cautiously.

Orson leaned against the window seat display and then asked, "Are you going to school at the university?"

Melissa nodded. "Creative writing, English major. I dream of working in a place like this."

"I'm doing a bookmaking apprenticeship."

"Really? Fascinating. Why?"

"To repair old books like the one here." He picked up the atlas she was leafing through.

Melissa grabbed a sheet of parchment that fell out.

"Hmm, didn't know that was stuck in there." Orson dropped down to kneel beside the coffee table in front of her.

"Do you have gloves? I don't want to handle this with bare fingers. It seems to be ancient." Melissa said.

He pulled a pair out of his back pocket.

"Here, you do the honors."

She pulled them on, even though they were a couple of sizes too big.

"A map. An X marks the spot map. Do you have any idea where this is?" She couldn't keep the excitement out of her voice.

"This is from the privateering era of Queen Elizabeth the first. The Caribbean is what this Atlas is all about. It was published in the early 1600's."

"Do you think we can find the right island. I think this might be a real treasure map!"

Orson nodded. "Do you want to keep this a secret? Do the research and find it ourselves?"

"Of course. But you hardly know me," Melissa protested.

"You had enough respect for an old document to know how to handle it correctly. I like you already. I want to get to know you. This would be a great way to do it." Orson reached across the table to enfold her hand.

The spark was there, and he waited for her to answer his thumb caressed her palm.

"Can't see why I should say no. You had the gloves." A smile bloomed across her face. "How do we start?"

"By hiding this away. I'll put it in the safe with a couple of the other rare books." Orson tucked the map into the center of the atlas. Standing, he went through an archway between the shelves and Melissa heard the quiet thunk of a door closing.

"What do you think? Do we have the clue to lead us to a big pile of gold?" Melissa went silent as the door opened.

A darkly tanned man walked in.

"Where's the atlas? I'm prepared to pay handsomely."

"Out for restoration." Orson scooted behind the counter where the teapot hid under a cozy.

Melissa skin crawled.

What have I got myself into? 

Aim to Engage 2023Where stories live. Discover now