11 Run!

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Histal threaded his way through the arroyo. For once he wished for the rainy season. The creature chasing him was faster than him, he needed to get ahead of it.

Nothing he tried stopped the crashing footfalls from echoing against the rough walls of the deep canyon he sprinted into. But maybe, just maybe, he had a chance if he could get under the overhanging rocks and duck into the narrow cave entrance at the back. The one he used to hide from his sisters when they got too annoying to bear.


It was the only thing he could hear as he screamed at himself to get away. Where did that rock come from? Hell, rock wasn't the right word, boulder was more like it. He ducked around it and squeezed through the cramped triangular opening. He bent his spine around the next corner and slid through into his refuge.

Panting like a steam engine, he threw himself down on the rough bed frame in the back to catch his breath. The thunderous pounding outside didn't let up. What was that thing? And why did he have to go look at the interesting pile of crumpled metal on the high mesa?

He could hear his mother's voice.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Histal. Even the ligers we train for protection know better. You're going get yourself killed poking into things. Just forage for mushrooms, for wild cabbage and carrots. Even the cattail roots where the spring runs down into the canyon. Leave the wrecks for the salvagers."

"But what fun is that?" Histal whispered to himself.

Histal pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his knees. He couldn't help it, even though he knew better, he started to rock. The comforting rhythm soothed him until the unearthly screams started.

Clapping his hands over his ears, he knew he was trapped. It was his hideaway and because he planned well, there was wood for a fire, and a natural chimney. Even with a new blockage, he could feel a cool breeze wafting through. He shrugged his pack off. At least he avoided that scolding. What would happen if Galina came looking for him?

"Fool," he hissed under his breath. Mom was right as usual. He was going to be the death of all of them. Who would warn the village, and how could they get word to the World Protector Society?

The creature was part bear, and part machine as near as he could tell. Monstrous. As he calmed, he realized it tracked movement and with its thirty foot strides, and a height towering over the wreckage of his landing craft, almost impossible to elude. Tiny openings were his salvation and Histal knew it.

The  opening in the roof of his cave was getting darker. Time to build a fire before ebony night came visiting. He reached under the low bed frame and found his supplies. Letting out the breath he didn't realize he was holding, he opened the box he carved to contain his flint and tinder.

Moving over to the circle of stones directly under his chimney, he placed tinder in the center. Taking tiny dry sticks he arranged them in a pyramid and grabbed his flint and the golden firestone. Its deep yellow cubic crystals had a deep groove worn through it, from a lifetime of use. Well, maybe, three years, but he stayed here often to have time alone.

Kneeling he bent forward so he could blow on the tinder and struck the two stones together, drawing a large spark. Adjusting his angle, the next spark landed in the tinder and he blew on the tiny red glow. In minutes he had a nice blaze. Orange and yellow flames flickered, and warmth seeped into his bones.

He spread the fur blanket he retrieved from the nook above the entrance. Smiling, he yelped when scrabbling feet caught his attention. No one knew where his cave was. Who or what was coming in? It couldn't be the monster. The infernal noise was gone.  The passage was way too small.  Had to be something else.  He reached for his secret weapon.  The one no one ever saw him use. 

A whining wolf. No better than the machine bear.  Killers.

Before he could wind up his sling and throw the stone missile in its pouch, the wolf gave a very human groan and began to change. In less than a minute a boy stood in front of him.  He dropped the leather loops on the bed. 

"May I share your fire? I left a rabbit I caught in the passage. I'll earn my keep."

Histal's jaw snapped shut before he answered.

"I've heard shifters exist. You are the first I've seen."

"I'm tracking that thing out there. My pack lives north. The bear monster comes from further north yet. A kingdom there is planning to conquer our peaceful villages and turn us to their use."

"Slaves?" His shifter guest nodded. "I thought we were past that."

"It's up to us to stop it. Will you help?"

Histal thought about his boring world of survival from day to day.

"First we warn my village, and then I will help."

"Given. My name is Lupus. The monster only moves when there is sun. It went east from its ship when you eluded it. By the way, nice hideout." His golden eyes lit up when he smiled.

"I am Histal. Forager and hunter. My village is west of here, not a great distance either. Tell me more about the enemy? Do they have more of these things?"

"This is the only one, but we will have to kill his maker too. But that's for later. The travel machine that crashed out there? There are more of those too. I'll get the rabbit."

Well this time, curiosity hasn't killed the cat has it Mother? If I hadn't gone to look, we would all be dead tomorrow. Now, who knows?

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