Part 2

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"My lord!" Bellatrix breathed soundlessly. Even after him starting to feel certain urges, a curse of his ancestors, Salazar Slytherin even having been named after the uncontrollable desire the male heirs of the family suffered from, and choosing his most loyal servant to fulfil the loathed urges, he had never even considered to stay longer than necessary. She almost felt as if she was about to faint, when his sharp voice made her blink a couple of times and look at him.

"Excuse me, I didn't understand you. I know, I am too far beneath you to even ask for it, but would you be so kind as to repeat your words, my Lord?"

She took a shaking breath after her request, being very aware that she was being very forward today. But Voldemort didn't look angry, rather scared.

"If you're not feeling well, I won't burden you with that, Bellatrix. You almost passed out right here in front of me just now. Please, lay down and get your rest. I will send someone to take care of your every wish."

Her breathing quickened and she quickly reached for him to grab his robes before he could leave.

"Please", she whispered. Not able to speak right now, she stopped her occlumency which she usually kept up with all the time, even in her sleep and let him fully enter her mind.

He did unconsciously at first, being hit by a flood of emotions which seemed to overwhelm him so much that he had to sit back down. Then he became aware of what he was doing and focused his magic on the answer he was looking for. Not only did he become painfully aware of how very skilled she was in keeping him out of her head, noticing that she had only let him see a tiny fragment of her mind so far, but also of all the incredible amount of pain he caused inside of her beside the bliss she felt, because of him just being in the same room. Yes, Bellatrix Lestrange truly loved him. In all ways. And she loved their child. He held his breath when he figured out that her affections for the child were even stronger than the ones for him and fury was about to cloud his mind when he remembered that the hormones in a woman's body were responsible for making her feel like that and that it happened to protect the offspring from any harm. Still searching for the reason for her opening her mind for him like that he eventually could feel how very blissful she had felt after his suggestion and that it was this bliss that had almost caused her to faint. And that he had caused her crying when he told her she was allowed to touch him without permission. She had felt so very touched by his words due to her hormonal state, that she couldn't control it the way she usually did. About to pull out of her head, he felt something else, her desire for him, burning brightly deep inside of her, and another yearning she was just trying to hide from him as he discovered it. The yearning for his kiss. A real one, not as before when they had been fucking like animals to calm their urges.

He felt as if she had pushed him backwards when she shut him out again and hissed from the sensation.

Lord Voldemort looked at the woman next to him who was still clinging to his robes, and couldn't fight the smile that crept onto his lips.

"I didn't mean for you to see that last bit." She tried to explain. "Please forgive me for even having those thoughts. I know it was disrespectful and pathetic to even dare to imagine something like this."

With her eyes fixed on the ground she had let herself drop to her knees as she begged for his mercy.

He almost had joined her on the floor when he remembered who he was and how inappropriate that would be. Instead he grabbed the witches upper arms and pulled her back to her feet, then stood up himself and laid his arms around her to pull her close. Instead of giving her an answer or, as she feared, punishing her, he laid his index finger under her chin and lifted her head up.

Bellatrix followed his directions obediently but kept looking down, not daring to meet his gaze.

Her lower lip quivered as she took rigid breaths, still dreading his next move, when she suddenly felt his lips on her own. Gentle and without the slightly violent desire she had felt them all over her body before. He was giving her what she craved and needed.

When she felt him pull back her hands moved instinctively around his neck and held him in place while she pressed herself strongly against him.

Voldemort began to laugh into the kiss, eventually pulling back, yet kept his arms around her.

"There are a few things I have to take care of before I can go to bed. Just enjoy your evening and get ready as you're used to. If you'll allow me, I will join you as soon as I am finished."

Bellatrix opened her mouth to speak, but he shook his head and kissed her again, shortly only, but she again felt as if she had died and gone to heaven.

"No need to say anything right now, Bella. Just take care of the child's and your own health. I have to admit, I at first was angry when I found out you loved the child more than me, but right now, I feel rather amused by the fact that you do. You're making me proud. There are no other witches or wizards in our ranks who would have the guts to let me enter their head, knowing I would see that too. Now take your time, maybe read some more!" He chuckled as he said the last sentence and picked her up bridal style to place her on the bed.

Without another word he disapparated, keeping eye contact until he disappeared with a plop.

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