Part 15

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A few months later, Bellatrix woke up in the middle of the night from a searing pain in her lower back that spread over her sides into her belly. She grunted and tried to turn to the other side hoping to ease her pain by that. It seemed to be helping, the aching stopped and the witch sighed in relief. As she was just drifting into sleep again, another wave hit her though and suddenly panic spread in her mind. 

This wasn't one of her usual back pains, this was the baby who was about to be born. 

Bella instantly called for a house elf and sent him to get Narcissa. Her sister barged into her room only ten minutes later, wearing only her robe over her nightgown and looking at her with concern.

"Bella! How are you doing? Tell me what happened so far?" She said calmingly as she saw the state her older sister was in.

"I'm scared, Cissy. What if I am not strong enough? What if she won't survive because I am too old? What if..."

"Stop it, Bellatrix Black! You are the strongest woman I have ever seen. If you can't do that, nobody can. And, well, many women have given birth so far, right? You will soon hold your beautiful little baby in your arms."

Bella nodded, then cringed and held her breath, trying to cope with the very strong pain.

"Have you already called for...?"

"N-No! I didn't want to bother him for... oh shit, give me a fucking break."

A voice came from the doorway. It was Draco's.

"Is there anything I can do? Get you something to drink or someone to torture?" He asked his aunt with a sheepish smile.

His words made even the witch in labour grin.

"Thank you, Draco. But if you brought anyone here, they would know about the baby and... oh crap, again?"

She rolled into a ball, her hands clenched into fists and her legs pulled up as far as possible. 

"Give me your arm!" Narcissa told her son and looked at his left forearm. "Even if Bella doesn't want to bother him, I think it's time to call for..."

"No, not yet!" Her sister exclaimed. The younger woman looked at Draco then down at the now revealed dark mark and nodded. He understood and pressed his wand to the black skull.

Only seconds later Lord Voldemort apparated right into the room, about to ask the boy why he had the guts to summon him in the middle of the night, when he followed the young man's gaze and his whole demeanour changed.

Without making any sound he was at the witch's side and quickly sat down on the bed, gently placing one hand on her belly, the other grabbing Bella's hand with an encouraging squeeze.

"How are you feeling, Bellatrix? Is there anything I can do?"

She scoffed.

"I guess it's too late to not have the baby, right? And it's just as impossible for you to do that, so... oh Merlin's fucking shit, this is getting worse!"

She pressed his hand so strongly that he thought she would break it. Narcissa watched the whole scene with concern. Her sister seemed to be in too much pain already. She usually wasn't one to complain or show any sign of agony at all.

Voldemort noticed and gave her an intense look. To Bellatrix he said.

"I'll have a few words with your sister. We'll be right back. Draco! Stay with your aunt and do whatever she asks you to do!"

"Yes, my lord!" The blond young man obliged, and sat down beside her on the bed.

Outside in the hall, Voldemort questioned.

"Why are you so worried, Narcissa? Your sister survived fourteen years in Azkaban. She's strong."

"She is, my lord. But that also took much of her strength and health. I am not sure if she'll be able to make it through until the final birth if her pain is that strong already. I'm afraid that something is wrong, very wrong. I don't want to lose my sister. I also wouldn't want to lose the child. So I'm asking for your permission to send for a healer. Someone who is experienced in childbirth and especially emergencies during the same." The very anxious witch pleaded.

"I'm afraid that would be too risky. Sending for anyone would mean you had to lift every ward that protects this manor. Either that or one of you had to bring someone inside, revealing the only way except breaking ancient spells and wards to enter into your home. Even the most loyal can be traitors or being held under the imperius curse. That's a chance I am not willing to take. I will stay at her side and do whatever it takes to save them both. Wouldn't you think that me, the most powerful wizard of all times, was capable of helping your sister and your niece to survive?"

"I would never dare to doubt your power, my lord. Just... have you ever... I mean... even looked into the magic of healing and doing procedures to save a woman's and her child's life? I'm sorry, I was too forward, please forgive me. I don't know what I am saying." Narcissa begged him after the first words had burst out of her. 

Voldemort lifted one hand, immediately causing her to be quiet. 

"Would it be enough for you if I promised to not let them die? That I would bring Bella to St. Mungo's in time, if it was necessary? You can have them informed to keep anyone around who is trustworthy and loyal to my cause. And you can take care that 'they' lift their wards so I can directly apparate me and your sister into the prepared room. But until it's unavoidable, she'll stay here. And now I think we should both go back inside and be there for her."

"Yes, of course, my lord."

While he watched Narcissa hurry with fast steps back into the guest bedroom, he stayed where he was and took a deep breath. 

What if Narcissa was right? What if he risked their lives to protect himself?

He sighed and entered the room, seeing Bellatrix writhing on her bed in agonising pain. The contractions came quick and without a lot of time in between and the witch already looked exhausted. 

"Bella, listen to me. You're making it harder for yourself if you're trying to fight it!" Her sister tried to get her to relax in between the contractions. But Bella wasn't listening. She stayed in the tense position, her hands forcefully holding on to the sheets, her knuckles turning white from the pressure she was putting into her grasp. Narcissa looked desperately at the dark wizard then to her son.

"Draco, leave us alone!" Voldemort ordered and the young man simply obeyed and left. There was no need for him to see what he was about to do.

"Narcissa, is there a way to tell when it's eventually time for the actual birth? Beside the obvious, I mean." He pried. 

The witch shrugged. 

"I am not sure. A healer would most likely know the spell, but I don't. That wasn't supposed to be an accusation, I just..." She looked to the floor, not daring to say anything else or even meet his gaze. 

"It's okay. Just check on that and if there's still time, leave us alone?" He demanded. Though she felt a little awkward, Narcissa quickly asked her sister to stand her feet up so she could see how far she was already dilated. Bellatrix barely heard her words and therefore didn't react at all.

"Bella!" The dark lord said sharply. She flinched and looked at him, seeing him give her a tender smile.

"Do as you've been told. If you need help, tell me. I'm right here for that."

She looked puzzled and he could instantly tell that she had no idea what Narcissa had told her.

With a deep sigh Voldemort turned her to her back and brought her feet into the right position so her younger sister could check her cervix.

"Soon. There's still some time left, but you're making quick progress. You're at seven centimetres, sweetheart. It will soon be over. I'll be right outside if you need me, okay?" She hummed and hugged her sister, then pecked her cheek, before leaving them alone.

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