Part 3

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Barely being able to capture what had just happened, Bellatrix placed both her hands on her belly, waiting for her child to start kicking again, as every time, she was lying down to rest. It wasn't much longer that she could feel the still soft nudges to the inside of her belly and smiled as she drifted into a deep sleep.

Her dreams weren't regular dreams like all the other people had, hers were her own memories. Sometimes they were good, sometimes they were bad. Right then, being excited and flattered by the dark lord wanting to spend the whole night with her, her thoughts drifted to the first time his sexual desire had taken a hold of him and he had chosen her, his loyal servant and soldier, to be blessed by him taking it out on her eventually healthy and well nourished looking body.

It was late at night when they returned from Hogwards. Snape had done what her nephew was supposed to do, he had used the Avada Kedavra curse to kill Albus Dumbledore. The thrill of breaking into Hogwards, the impermeable protection meaning nothing to them anymore, the anticipation when they were waiting for Draco to fulfil his master's bidding, the final gush of Adrenaline and other substances running through her veins, making her euphoric.

She had apparated herself and Draco to the mansion, while Severus had gone to his own place to distract the members of the order who might be following them.

Her master, the dark lord, had already been waiting for them at the main entrance and as soon as the almost crying sixteen year old had locked himself into his room, he had held out a hand to her, the highest honour he had ever granted one of his followers so far, and led her to the guest bedroom, she was staying in since her escape from Azkaban.

Stopping in front of the room, she turned to thank him, when he reached for the handle and held the door open for her, to then shut it silently after entering himself.

Bellatrix gasped, as he had never before entered her private chambers, but managed to not show her sudden self consciousness to him.

"My Lord, it's done. Severus ended the bloody bastard once and for all. Forgive me for doubting your judgement over him. I was just scared for your well-being and a possible betrayal from him. I'm begging you, don't punish the boy for not going through with it. He was just about to do it despite Dumbledore's useless babbling, when Snape told him not to. I'm begging you, master, to lay a potential punishment on me instead of him. My sister is already suffering because of her husband being such a failure in serving you." She begged, falling to her knees, and lowering her head.

Voldemort ignored her as he stepped towards the window and looked out and into the dark.

"Get up, Bellatrix, there will be no punishment. I knew he wouldn't be able to do it. That's why I ordered Severus to do it. The boy isn't ready yet, as he still is nothing more than a boy. But he managed to repair the cabinet and get the death-eaters inside the castle. Even if he didn't kill Dumbledore with his own wand, he still succeeded and fulfilled his task." He said with his cold, snake-like voice.

"Thank you, my lord!" Bellatrix stammered as she struggled to get back on her feet. The years in Azkaban were still weighing on her, and without even noticing due to the victorious high she had been on when fleeing from the school, she had not only hurt her ankles but also overused her legs which were now shaking and about to give in. About to say a couple of not so nice words about her ageing limbs, she suddenly noticed a shadow falling over her and looked up to see Voldemort's hands reach out to her.

She grabbed them hesitantly with her own and was instantly pulled to her feet.

"Tonight I will find out if you're really as loyal and faithful as you allege to be, Bellatrix."

His red eyes stared down into hers as he spoke and the witch's heart began to pound in her chest. He stepped forward and their bodies collided, making her move backwards, partly from the impact and partly from the fear of what might be lying before her.

She was stopped by the wall. Voldemort, who had still been holding her hands, grabbed her wrists and pressed them forcefully against the tapestry above her head. His breath rigid, he got even closer, his eyes squeezed shut as he hissed into her ear.

"All those years I never felt any sort of sexual desire. I always thought my supremacy over all the other witches and wizards had made me become immune against the curse of my ancestors. But lately it has become my biggest everyday struggle and I have neither time nor should I be distracted from anything right now, as it might become my downfall to not be focused on killing the boy. Tell me, Bellatrix, as I would never sink that low to force myself onto a woman, are you willing to receive the greatest honour one can be granted with? Are you willing to let me own your body as I already own your soul?"

Bellatrix could hardly breathe, her voice was trembling as she answered.

"My Lord, I have always been your faithful servant. Never would I even consider to reject you when offering me the biggest reward I could dream of. Being with you, being for you is what I always have been dreaming of!"

Lord Voldemort didn't need anything else, no matter what he might do to her in the future. He had never shown any interest in any physical contact, had always thought his classmates to be pathetic for running after the girls and trying to get them to do things in the dark and hidden alcoves of the castle. Not even when some of the most beautiful and rousing witches had tried to make him succumb to his desires by touching him in inappropriate places or letting him look into their shirts, their bras so revealing that he sometimes could even see their nipples, had he shown any sign of being affected.

This woman before him though, who was not only his most loyal servant but also his most eager soldier and student, had ignited something very deep inside of him when he had been teaching her more than sixteen years ago. Her bloodlust and the pleasure she very visibly felt when causing pain in anyone, as well as her ability to completely shut everyone, even himself out of her mind and hide every single emotion except the ones she wanted to show.

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