Part 5

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She obeyed in an instant, almost making them both fall as she did with so much momentum that she made him lose his balance for the split of a second.

"Now look into my eyes. After all you're the only one who can endure to do so at all."

She looked up to be devoured by his mouth immediately, his lips and tongue greedily covering and lathing over her own, then down her throat to the beginning of her breasts.

Not even given the chance to reciprocate his savage kiss, as he moved on from her mouth too fast, she now let her head fall back and enjoyed his hot mouth on her skin.

The dark lord paused and gazed up, seeing her lewd expression with her shut eyes and pleaded.

"Tell me, Bellatrix. What do you want me to do?"

Shocked by him, letting his guard down so much and admitting to the weakness of not knowing how to please a woman, she shook her head as she cupped his face with one hand.

"Let me show you!"

Again she granted him a tiny glimpse at her most intimate and secret thoughts, let him see her fantasies of him making love to her. Choosing the very first image that appeared before his inner eye, he did exactly that, leaning down and cupping her right areola with his mouth to then tease her wart with his tongue.

"Oh yes, right there!" Bellatrix cried out. He did the same to the other side, making her arch her back and moan. Voldemort picked her up by the back of her legs and laid her on the mattress, staying between her thighs as he hovered above her and said.

"There wasn't much more that you let me see. Don't you consider me capable of more than this or were you just modest with your imagination?"

The, at the same time, aroused and slightly scared woman shook her head.

"I may have some experience when it comes to the act itself, yet just like you I have never been with anyone I really desired or wanted to be touched by. So I kinda consider this as my first real sexual interaction as well." She explained.

The dark wizard nodded, content with her answer. About to further undress the witch underneath him, a hissing sound could be heard all over the room and Bellatrix opened her eyes to look for the snake. Nagini must've entered quietly and was now reporting to her master. Voldemort spoke just a few words in Parseltongue before the huge creature majestically slithered back into the corridor.

"My Lord?" She asked him with her heart beating so fast, it almost felt as if it would break through her chest.

He smirked lecherously as he hummed.

"Don't be afraid, Bella. Nagini only came here to give me some advice. She doesn't remember a lot of her former life but sometimes she has memory flashes and as our connection is deep, my actual state reminded her of a few things."

"Actual state, my Lord?"

He blushed once more and looked down to his protruding erection.

Eventually her eyes followed his and she gasped but with a grin.

"Oh that state. And please don't be angry about me making you blush again. Third time's a charm, right?"

"You're lucky, Bellatrix, because there is no other person in this world who would live on after being as cocky as you just were. Don't even try to hide that thought from me. Do you need me to remind you of who you are with?"

His voice was thundering by then. Still Bellatrix couldn't unthink her last thought of how it was 'him' being 'cocky'.

With a growl Voldemort tore open her underwear, exposing her completely to him, his swollen member throbbing at the sight. He remembered the snake's words and grabbed Bella's legs to place them around his shoulders, while he lowered himself between her thighs, placing wet and hard kisses on her mound of venus.

"Oh crap!" The woman gushed out as the sensation made her twitch and squirm.

Kissing further down and pressing his face between her folds, the heir of Slytherin soon not only felt but also tasted the witch's arousal and, for the first time in his entire existence, moaned in sexual pleasure.

Hearing the very first woman he had ever coveted, let out a cry of utter bliss, he instantaneously increased his efforts and started to explore with his lips and tongue until he found...

Just when her lord was about to place his thin lips over her clit, Bellatrix felt something nudge against her back and wake her from her dreams. Not fully conscious yet, she thought about the only person she had ever slept in one bed with, beside her sisters of course, and ranted.

"Get out of my bed, Rodolphus! The times when I was a young, terrified woman who you could take by force are over. Just leave me alone!"

As she spoke with her voice raised she nudged her elbow backwards and was shocked as it was caught by a cold hand instead of hitting her husband's rib cage.

The voice that answered her was calm and quiet, but trembling in anger.

"What did he do to you, Bellatrix? Is that one of the reasons you barely ever let me see inside your head? Say one word andI will go and kill him myself. Slowly. I might be gone for a while."

She didn't have to turn her face and look at him to know he was grinning almost maniacally at the thought of torturing her loathed husband and long year torturer. But she shook her head.

"As I just said, I am not a scared girl anymore. I had fourteen years in Azkaban to get over it. He only tried one time since we came back. He cornered me in the bathroom when I was just taking a bath. But as he saw that I was carrying a child, he got furious and was about to hurt me and the baby, when I told him that he should think twice before doing any harm to his master's offspring. Let's just say he almost passed out as he backed out of the room. He was lucky that I had left my wand in the other room or he wouldn't be breathing anymore by now. But I feel very honoured that you even considered avenging me, my Lord."

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