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Tw - blood, gore, cussing

(??? Pov)

She was in pain.

So much pain.

It hurt to breathe

To move

....To think.

Her entire body throbbed in agony, hunger and dizziness, and she sobbed and cried her heart out.

she heard the door open and closed her eyes, she was expecting pain.

She was expecting a agonizing feeling to come.

But it never did.

"...my fucking God." A voice suddenly gasped out making her falter a bit, The voice sounded shaky, almost frightened or disturbed..

"Huh, what is- oh my God..." Another voice that was not recognizable to her spoke out.

Then suddenly.

All she could see is darkness.

she could feel the pain coursing through her body and the ringing in her ears as the feeling of sleep washed over her.

(Moon's pov)

Me and sun were breaking into eclipses and bloodmoons hideout, hoping to find something that could give us a lead of what they were up to.

"Are you sure this plan is good moon...?" My brother said in a slightly worried tone, causing me to place a calming hand on his shoulder reassuring him that everything's okay.

"Of course brother, it doesn't seem like anyone is here at the moment so we should be-" i suddenly heard crying.

The cry sounded painful, it sounded agonizing.

What drew his attention more was that it sounded like a child.

"....." Without a moment to spare, i bolted to the room i heard crying from and opened the door quickly.

What I saw shook me to my robotic core.

"....my fucking God." I managed to mutter out before my brother came running in after me, having the same reaction.

It was a little girl.

She was chained to the wall and looked terrible.

She was littered in scars, Burns, cuts, and so many other injuries.

It didn't take long to realize that her fucking leg was missing, and tossed to the other side of the room.

God was it a gruesome sight to see.

Before we even had a chance to react, the poor girl passed out right there.

"...shit- kid!" I moved quickly towards her, sun taking a second before running with me to the child. I quickly ripped the chains off her wrist, revealing the broken and fractured hands she had.

I was checking her pulse and making sure she was breathing, while sun tried his best to stop most of the bleeding she had.

Neither of us cared if we got blood on us, we clean it up later. The only thing on our minds is the child in front of us, that seem to have suffered so much.

As soon as the blood has semi stopped, I quickly picked her up and ran out with sun.

Getting out of this place.

And getting her somewhere safe.

what it means to smile (SAMS AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat