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Tw - cussing

(Moon's pov)

"Where is she!?!" I yelled as I rushed into Freddy's house in search of Paitin, not bothering to care about the wolve and bears shocked and confused faces.

I rushed over to Monty and took the child out of his hands, cradling her close to my chest in a way a mother would do for their child.

I didn't care about the argument coming my way.

I'll deal with that.

Right now All I cared about was that she was safe.


(Paitin's pov)

I snuggled and relaxed in moon arms as soon as he held me, exhaustion weighing onto my bones as the wave of everything that has happened finally weighed itself down

I didn't bother paying attention to the yelling from the annoying wolf and strange bear

Or the fact that moon was yelling at the wolf, saying that she was a "entitled bitch that needs to be put down and that he doesn't see why sun even likes her ass, and that she shouldn't even be around children if she's going to kidnap them"

Or that Monty was listing out a whole bunch of interesting cuss words (I totally won't use later) to the bear and wolf and defending Moon in a way only a best friend would.

Nope. Totally did not pay attention to any of that!

I just fell asleep curled up in my pap- moons arms. Letting the world around me disappeared as the feeling of peaceful dreamless sleep weighed heavily on my bones, and made my vision slipped into nothing but sweet abyss.


(Moon's pov, and 30 minutes later)

I was walking back from Freddy's house, and let me tell you if I could have migraines, I'm sure I'd be having one right now.

I'm kind of glad Paitin was asleep during the fight, I mean Monty decked Freddy in the face and I practically insulted Roxanne in every way possible.

And I swear. if Monty didn't tell me to leave, I would have bashed that bitches head into the goddamn-

Suddenly I heard a soft sound interrupting me from my thoughts, The annoyance in my mind quickly faded away, when I heard a soft sound coming from the little bundle of joy in my arms and a warm smile crept on my face.

It's crazy to think that I've only known this child for a day or more and I've already grown so attached to her.

And that's a lot coming from me, since I'm not particularly a fan of kids, but I guess I can make a exception for her

The way back to the pizzaplex was surprisingly calm, besides from small shifts and mumbles from the small child in my arms.

"You know you really are a ray of moonlight.." I said softly thinking maybe, just maybe

She was there's, and there's only.

And no harm will ever come to her ever again.

He hopes...

what it means to smile (SAMS AU)Where stories live. Discover now