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Tw - cussing, mention of past abuse

I got my phone back!

(Sun's pov)

It has been a few hours since we found paitin, and things are going okay...for once-

Moon is with solar getting her something to eat since the poor girl looked to be starving.

Monty was speaking to Earth and I was keeping an eye on paitin, she wasn't doing much, just staring at a teddy bear I offered.

I had her sit on a bunch of pillows and blankets just so she isn't uncomfortable on the floor and her injuries don't start hurting.

I was about to bend over and play with her when she held her arms out to be held, the only words being said was


She said it with a blank expression almost emotionless, which was reasonable since she's young and been through a lot.

So I picked her up, being wary of her injuries as I held her close, laughing when she played with the rays, it was obvious she was having trouble moving her hands because they're both sprained and wrapped up, so I just made them wiggle to entertain her.

"Guys!, guys!"

I turned around to see my sister Fiber (my son's oc!) Running in with solar and moon, solar having a small paper bag of food

"Oh hey Fiber!, oh- moon here ya go" I carefully handed paitin to moon and hugged Fiber who kindly hugged back, "hey bro, oh who is this little star?" She asked pulling away the hug and examining paitin, looking at all the wrapping and bandages she had, eyes more fixated on the missing leg.

"Oh- wellll about her- umm so you see" I started explaining


(Fiber's pov ❤️)

". . . .what the fuck!?" They found this child chained to a wall and was fucking tortured, what kind of psycho does something like that to a child!?

Stars the rest is bad, I'm more than mad...I'm pissed.

I look over to the girl, who at the moment was being fed some cheese pizza.

this small and innocent star went through hell.

And Whatever that bloody-fucker is doing now.

I hope they burn in hell soon.

what it means to smile (SAMS AU)Where stories live. Discover now