Kugisaki x Fushiguro x Itadori

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Itadori: What the heck, we're friends. FRIENDS

Kugisaki: not one but two boys? Eww

Fushiguro: You're never getting a good chance with a male.

Kugisaki: I'll get one when i feel like it

Maki: Exactly.

Panda: So you don't want Yuta-

Maki: Will you shut up about that?

Inumaki: Fish flakes (no)

Gojo: Okay, all three of my students? That's so weird

Okkotsu: every ship here is

Panda: Except for you and maki

Maki: Shut up

Geto: We're moving on to trio ships? This is so entertaining.

Kugisaki: Shut up you old hag

Geto: I'm the same age as Satoru, thank you very much. Right Satoru??

Gojo: Yeah yea.

Panda: Hey, didn't you die in the same day-

Fushiguro: First of, that was random. Second, let's just stop breaking the forth wall, okay?

Itadori: Wait, gojo sensei dies????

Everyone: ...

Panda: ..Moving on.

Maki: So, I'm guessing everyone is saying skip? I mean I don't mind what people think but if it's trios? It's weird.

Okkotsu: very weird.

Panda: Well, they are super close

Fushiguro: I don't know, maybe because there are only three in the entire year?? We have no choice

Itadori: You're saying you wouldn't be friends if there were more people?

Fushiguro: Maybe some people more quiet and less energetic

Kugisaki: *Sticks tongue out* you're just jealous you're not like me and itadori

Fushiguro: That's not tru-

Panda: Okay, let's break it up. We all have different personalities, okay?

Okkotsu: They're really fun to be around

Maki: I guess.. only Kugisaki. The other two..

Fushiguro: Zenin-San-

Maki: I told you to call me Maki! See! 

Itadori: do i not get  a say in this-

Fushiguro: *Whacks itadori* no.

Gojo: Hai, hai! So, we got to decide what you think of this.

F & K & I: Skip

Geto: They must share the same braincells

Panda: So did you two, according to Yaga

Geto: Us three, actually. Well, i guess Shoko was smart 

Gojo: Excuse me? I'm smart too, thank you very much 

Geto: I would always score higher-

Gojo: That was because we got the same scores but your name comes first! 

Fushiguro: Why is this so entertaining, Gojo sensei hates losing 

Gojo: Shut up! 

Maki: Okay, lets move on. 

Okkotsu: So everyone's saying skip?

Inumaki: Salmon. (Yes)

Itadori: I think so. Anyone that says yes i will jump on them, literally. 

Panda: The ways he would actually do that, though. 

Geto: Alright, i think we all say skip. I dont want a pink Jigglyluff jumping on me.

Itadori: Actually, Its a Togepi 

Fushiguro: What the heck are you talking about? 

Inumaki: roasted salmon roe (some anime) 

Okkotsu: Not just some, a very good anime. One of the best of all time! 

Fushiguro: Err, okay? 

Maki; For the last time, LETS MOVE ON 

Kugisaki: Finally, im hating these ships more and more (no offence) 

A/n: Sorry I'm not posting often, I'll make the next one longer, hopefully. 

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