Haibara x Nanami

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A/n: since the students don't know Haibara, they will be replaced by Mei Mei, utahime. Shoko and Nanami amd haibara

Gojo: Oh hello guys. I love how all of you pop into existence at the most random times. And all of my students has just disappeared into nonexistence. Wow.

Nanami: Gojo San. What is this white area? It doesn't look like our anime's setting-

Geto: Please refrain from breaking the fourth wall guys.

Gojo: You sound like a robot-

Geto: *whacks him on the head*

Utahime: well, anyone going to explain?

Gojo: so basically-

Mei Mei: fancy seeing Geto and Haibara here..

Shoko: Wait what?!

Gojo: anyone gonna lemme continue.. or?

— after the drama —

Gojo: so, basically, we have to rate the ships. And the big words in bold above us means we need to react to them. Right now is Nanami and Haibara being together. Oh yeah, we get a picture as well. Prepare your bleach.

Nanami: you sounded smart for once..

Gojo: Hey! I am smart!

Geto: you always were below me in tests, I don't think you're that smart.

Gojo: It's because we always got full marks! But your name is above me because of the stupid alphabetical system.

Shoko: Didn't you complain that you should get married to Geto to get the high-

Geto and Gojo: We don't talk about that!

Mei Mei: hmmm, won't I just love these tea to get spread across the school-

Gojo: *whips his phone out* how much?

Geto: Mei Mei can be scary

Utahime: *still trying to hold in a laugh* You are so gay

Gojo: says you!

utahime: Oh yeah? How am I gay?

Geto: maybe because you are so obsessed with Shoko and think all of us are under her-

Utahime: It's called being friends, and we didn't fall out like you two did

Gojo: I-

Nanami: okay okay, we love roasting each other

Haibara: I've never expected you to say that word Kento!

Nanami; I learnt it from Itadori-kun.

Gojo: Hah! You learnt it from your own student! Aren't you supposed to be the one teaching?

Nanami: I-

Shoko: So like, are we going to continue the roast or rate the ship so we can get out of here?

Gojo: Right. So, I say ship

Nanami: Of course you do.

Geto: Ship

Nanami: and I thought you were normal

Geto: I am normal, everyone knows you two are gay for each other.

Haibara: eh really? We are?

Geto: Err, never mind.

Shoko: he's too innocent for the world

Gojo: yeah, i can help him with tha-

Nanami: Absolutely not.

Gojo: okay okay...

Utahime: Honestly, they would be so cute together! Ship

Nanami: Right.

Haibara: I think I say ship, I don't think I've ever even thought of this before, but it actually sounds nice.

Gojo: oh my gosh, you're super red right now! Nanammmiiiii~

Nanami: please kindly shut up before I cut you to pieces.

Gojo: Will do.

Geto: well, this is entertaining.

Haibara: haha, so then, any more?

Shoko: I've been thinking, probably ship.

Gojo: hehe shokoooo i knew you'd side with us

Shoko: Well, i am I better than you lot, i make choices for the better.

Geto: Damn.

Utahime: lets stop getting sidetracked..

Haibara: welp, basically everyone says ship. And you? Kento?

Nanami: ..Skip.

Utahime: just saying, the photo does not make it look any easier. You two are perfect for each other!! 

Nanami: lets just move on, please. 

Gojo: Haha! You're so red!!!

A/n: omgg im sorry for not posting here often, i promise I'll upload every week or two!! But next week I'm going on holiday but i will try!

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