More Satosugu bc im obsessed

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This is basically a special... also im really sorry I haven't been uploading consistently. 

Itadori: we're gonna have you to explain it again. 

Gojo: I've been going at this for about half an hour..

Kugisaki: well, we dont get it anyway. Now tell us your whole drama between your dead but not dead one and only. 

Gojo: *sigh* so. There was a time where it wasnt me that was the strongest. It was me and this boy called Geto.

Kugisaki: so that guy that's been reacting with us? 

Gojo: yes. Anyway, we were quite close, we were the bestest of friends.

Itadori: that kinda sounds gay

Gojo: oh my god. Let me explain

Kugisaki: go on. 

Gojo: so, we were the strongest. And i got to admit he was attractive in a way. But thats something else for another time. So, there's was a drama between Megumi's dad, and then he resulted into him affecting the two of us in both different ways. I got stronger, and Suguru.. well, he got depressed. He realized that i was becoming far more stronger, and he began to question his life as a jujutsu sorcerer.

Itadori: this sounds sad. 

Kugisaki: shut up and get me my popcorn 

 Itadori: ehh, but we're in a white room, how the hell am i meant to get a popcorn stand?

Kugisaki: by using your imagination of course! Just think reaaaallllyyyy hard about some popcorn

Itadori: I doubt that's gonna work- *popcorn appears*

Kugisaki : see? Use your imagination~

Itadori: you're so cool kugisaki!

Kugisaki: I know I am

Gojo: right... should I continue or..?

Itadori; go on sensei, I wanna hear your love life

Gojo: he's not my love.. anyway. as I was saying, he got depressed. And as he did, he began to question his life as a jujutsu sorcerer. He eventually left.. and became the curse user Geto Suguru. He decided that the world should be rid of the humans, or what he called monkeys.

Kugisaki; Racist much-

Itadori: SHHHHHH

Gojo: thank you, Yuuji. And it is racist, isn't it? Ahem, Moving on, We also met for the last time - when we were younger- in the streets of Shibuya (sorry if I'm wrong about that), and it was my chance. To kill him. But I obviously couldn't kill my best friend.. and I was just a kid back then. I was only 17.

Itadori: that sounds gay and sad

Gojo: I said I am not gay!

Kugisaki: don't worry gojo sensei, we support you. No need to hide it

Gojo: I- no I'm not!!

Itadori: yes yes, whatever you say, sensei.

Gojo: anyways, I never saw him again after I killed him last year

Kugisaki: I- are you dumb? Isn't that obvious!?! You killed him, it's not like he's gonna come back from the dead.

Itadori: I think he meant.. actually never mind, I don't understand either

Gojo: sorry sorry, what I meant to say was that I killed him last year, and it was the last time I would talk to him. So I told him this- "__________"

Kugisaki: okay, I feel a tear coming in

Itadori: gojo sensei, that's so emotional! I'm sorry you went through that

Fushiguro: are they just gonna ignore all of us?

Geto: I'm right here, Satoru...

Maki: same with us, I ain't enjoying this sob story

Okkotsu: maki, try to be a little more nicer. He's being sad, and expressing his feelings

Panda: why the heck do you sound like a mother

Inumaki: salmon


Geto: no thanks, I ain't dealing with the depression Gojo. Nu uh

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