Suzy 1

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Rosa drinks a cup of wine. "you said you had something you wanted to tell me? that is verrrrrryyy important, right? so tell me.
Edward: is nothing
Rosa: how can it be nothing. are you kidding me.
Edward: I wanted to tell that I love you.
Rosa: is that it? really
Edward: yes it's.
Rosa hisses. "whatever, so tell me you will keep away from mr Chow especially for Suzy's sake.
Edward: I....I .... I promise?
you should better do.

after the signs Edward received. from his wife warnings to Rosa warnings, from his daughter's bad dream to his car broken down in the middle of nowhere to Rosa bad dream, he bluntly refused to cancel the business deal with Mr Chow .

Edward and Mr Chow have finalized thep my to collaboration and has announced on tv. Mr Chow and majority of the stake holders moved to Edward company and occupied the seat of the major stakeholders.

Rosa, Christina and Suzy watched from home as their beloved, Edward signs paper and finalized his collaboration with a deadly businessman. Suzy was so excited as she sees her daddy from TV ,

"mummy look at Daddy on tv. I wish I was there with him. why didn't we go to him, mummy?"

Christina signs. "is not like that Suzy. daddy is busy and doesn't need any disturbance."

Suzy. "but....

Christina shouts angrily  "but nothing Suzy. your daddy don't need us there."

Suzy started crying "I did...nt mean... it.. that wayayyyyyy

Christina carries Suzy. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to yell, mummy is just going through a lot."

Christina was so angry and frustrated. she feels like like killing Edward herself.

Rosa was in her house also watching Edward finalized collaboration with Mr Chow with a glass of wine in her hand. she became so upset that she threw her cup of wine on the television.
at the juncture, Rosa knows that the life of her daughter Suzy and everyone around Edward is in danger. she decided to sought for the help of a retired soldier and martial arts legend to train and prepare her daughter, Suzy for the war at head.
Rosa pays a visit to Shu Pablo, a retired female soldier and martial arts legend.

Rosa knocks at the door. "knock, knock is anyone at home?"

A servant girl walks up to her. "are you Rosa Dalton? the lady looking for Madam Shu Pablo?

Rosa knod her head. "yes. I am the one."

the  servant. "follow me."

she took Rosa to madam Shu.

Rosa. "good day madam. I have come to see you as agreed.

madam Shu. "very well. have a seat. according to your letter you want me to train your daughter with the famous business magnet, Edward Dalton. I'm I correct?

Rosa replied. "yes. I do?"

"if I my ask, why? Madam Shu asks

"I perceive danger ahead. something that even I may not be able to come out from. that's why I have come to you to assist me prepare my daughter for that time."
Rosa answered.

Madam Shu. " I am sorry Rosa that I cannot help you."

Rosa shocked. "why."

Madam Shu. "did you not know that I am retired ? I allowed you to come because I taught you had an important critical reason."

Rosa. "it is important and critical. my daughter is the most important and critical thing in my life. she is my life. madam please do this for me."

madam Shu stands up. "we are done here."

Rosa. "madam please. wait. hear me out."

the woman bluntly refused and started going.

Rosa got angry. "I am Rosa Dans a former dancer and powerful billionaire drug dealer. with or without your help my daughter will be trained. just you know I used to guns, karate and I war, I can train my daughter myself. her father signed a business deal with a greedy Mr Chow. that's why I need my daughter trained. I will do the training myself." Rosa shuts the door and walks away.
on hearing Mr Chow, madam Shu changed her mind but Rosa was already gone by then.

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