Chapter 4. Waiting

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"Well," Jisung pauses, hands on his mug carefully, eyes focused on his trailing fingers that slightly dance around the ceramic cup in his grasp. "I want to know what you like to do, your hobbies, your favorite color, your favorite song-"

"My favorite color?" Minho raises a brow almost unenthusiastically, and Jisung immediately rushes to defend his choice of words.

"We can't forget the friends part of being. . y'know." The label on their relationship wasn't something he wanted to openly admit to the public around him, not that anyone would be listening to two bickering males who were interested enough in each other, especially when they had coffee in their hands in an innocent enough shop.

"You act like what we are is the devil itself." Minho sighs, watching Jisung recoil in his seat dramatically.

"You're acting like it's okay to just throw the term around." Jisung raises his brow, leaning forwards with his elbows on the wooden table. "Also, it's no one else's business. I don't like people knowing intimate things about me."

"Is that right?" Minho's lips raise into a smirk, hand held around his cup, tilting the drink towards his lips as he watches Jisung's face fall in realization.

"NO! No. Not like that, idiot." The younger's expression is coated in redness, and Minho can't help but giggle.

"Okay, okay, enough back tracking." Minho sets his cup back down, watching Jisung lean back into his chair. "My favorite color is anything monochromatic. Black, or white, just anything like that."

"That. . . sounds a lot like you." Jisung smiles, but Minho doesn't ask as to why Jisung thought that.

"What's yours?"

"Red." Jisung watches Minho nod his head, eyes avoiding him.

"And that sounds exactly like you."

"See? We're great friends already."

Minho smiles, teeth grasping the inside of his cheek. He hated how warm he felt around Jisung, but there was just something around the younger that Minho couldn't resist feeling a magnetic pull towards. It was like an electric current, strong and willing, always dragging Minho's attention back towards him as if he were a light in barren darkness. He really did hate how it felt, but didn't bother to store away any of the feelings that rose with the beat of his heart. "And my hobby? Well, I told you that. I dance a lot in my free time and I enjoy working out. Otherwise, I'm a foodie, I like to cook on days I'm not absolutely exhausted from my job. I also have three cats that I really enjoy taking care of, so-"

"You have three cats?" Jisung's intrigued. Minho looks upwards after subconsciously looking down at his hands while rambling, a subtle smile hinted on his lips as he watches Jisung seemingly internally scream with excitement from the idea of Minho having three furry creatures living at his apartment.

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