Suzy 3

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Rosa without invitation arrived at Edward's matrimonial home for the first time. Edward sighted her from upstairs and rushed to her.

"Rosa what are you doing here?"

"I am here to watch over my daughter." Rosa replied.

Edward nodes his head. "no."

Rosa laughed. " if you don't allow me to stay in your house and nurture my daughter, I will tell your wife everything and still go with my daughter."

Edward knows that Rosa Don't make empty threats, he agreed to allow Rosa stay with them as his daughter's nanny.
Edward walks up to his wife. where she is dressing Suzy up.

"good day my gorgeous wife. How are you doing?

Christina looks at Edward strangely. "how am I doing by this time of day? I taught we spoke few minutes ago.

Edward. "emm emm. is not that. I mean emm...

Christina. 'go straight to the point what do you want?

Edward goes closer and sat beside his wife. "my love. I think we should find a Suzy a nanny."

Christina leaves Suzy's hair. "a new what? did I tell you I need help taking care of my baby?

Edward. "is not that my love. I'm employing a nanny because I need someone to assist you. is still because of you. I love you so much that I don't like seeing you stress."

Christina turns red. "I'm
Edward goes closer and sat beside his wife. "my love. I think we should find a Suzy a nanny."

Christina leaves Suzy's hair. "a new what? did I tell you I need help taking care of my baby?

Edward. "is not that my love. I'm employing a nanny because I need someone to assist you. is still because of you. I love you so much that I don't like seeing you stress."

Christina turns red. "I'm not complaining Edward."

Edward goes closer "look at it this way......

Christina. nods her head. "is still a NO. stop wasting your time. is a capital NO.

"okay. okay." Edward paused and continued. "let's look at it as an extra protection for Suzy. I taught you said Mr Chow is deadly. let's look at it as an extra eyes watching over our daughter. what matter is our daughter's safety and nothing more

Christina. "oh, now you are thinking about your daughters safety. you should have taught of that before signing deal with a devil."

Suzy was busy starring at her parents scream at each other with a doll in her hand. Rosa was peeping at her from afar.

Edward gets mad. "enough Christina. I am the man of the house and I make the final decision. for my daughter's safety I'm getting a nanny and this conversation is over. he stands up and exit the room.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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