↳ ix. forest

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₊‧✩*✿「chapter 9」✿*✩‧₊

₊‧✩*✿「chapter 9」✿*✩‧₊

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I GOT TOLD to go back to bed and sleep again.

i wasn't tired though. surprising as i'm always tired.

i'm just confused.

why do they need me? and who is it? was it the people in my dream? could i be a seer?

to many questions.

i decide to go look around and clear my head.

i softly make my way through a area filled with trees. the forest in the 'glade' i'm guessing.

i stop and look around.

a twig snapping caught my attention and a quickly pulled out my wand. i spun around and pointed it towards another boy. merlin there's so many boys.

'woah. watch where you point that thing.' he says, putting his hands up.

'what do you want?' i ask, slowly putting my wand down and scratching the side of my head.

'nothing.' he says. suspicious. he starts walking closer to me. 'just heard you and followed you incase you got lost.' ok nevermind.

i gave him a skeptical look. 'okay. who are you?'


'i'm octavia.' i say, tucking my wand in my pocket and taking a step back.

'we should probably go back.' he says.

'why? it's not like its dangerous or anything.' i mean, it better not be, i don't know anything about this place.

he pauses for a minute, 'well no but you can't just wonder around at night without being shown around.'

'i got shown around by newt.' i lied. well i wasn't technically lying, but i didnt get shown around the forest.

'yeah ok. well if you get lost don't coming running to me, butterfly.' and with that, he walked away into the trees.


i just shrugged to myself and carried on walking. i pulled my wand out and muttered, 'lumos' hoping to get a bit of light.

a light erupted from the wand and the trees becoming more prominent around me.

after a while, i trudged my way back to my, no, newts room.

everyone seemed at peace in there sleep.

i walked into the room and found teresa asleep on the bed. i snatch a blanket and walked over to a chair that was in the corner and tried my best to get comfortable.

eventually sleep took over and i was surrounded by darkness.

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'octavia.' a man said, walking into the room.

'let me go.' i mumbled, glaring at the man. for some reason his face seemed blurry and i couldn't make out any features.

'not until you help us.' the man said. he lifted his hand and gestured to someone.

a girl walked in with a women following behind.

'teresa you have to tell them to let me go.' i yelled, giving her a pleading look.

'i'm sorry via.' she whispers.

the women pulls out a syringe and sticks it in my arm.

'no. no.' i yell before my vision is swallowed by darkness and everything goes quiet.

ʚɞ ʚɞ ʚɞ

i gasp awake.

it was morning. early morning.

teresa wasn't there. probably gone to see thomas.

why was she in my dream? who were the other people?

'merlin, these dreams will kill me.' i mumble to myself, standing up and leaving my back to the door.

'whose merlin?' a voice says.

i scream. 'what the bloody hell do you think you are doing?' i say turning around. where's the privacy around here?

'relax, butterfly, i was looking for newt.' minho says, walking into the room. oh well that's ok then.

'well he ain't here.' i say, gesturing around to the empty room.

'i can see that.' minho says, 'well, i'll be going then. bye.' he leaves before i can say anything else.

i grumble under my breathe and shake my head, folding up the blanket and placing it back down on the bed.

what the hell do i do now?

ʚɞ ʚɞ ʚɞ

well, well
now you see why the book is called butterfly :)
and my wattpad is glitching,
its saying i didnt post my last chapter

word count: 677

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