Chapter Sixteen: Levana

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In a spaceship black as pitch, Levana transferred herself from the Imperial Palace to her new Earthern headquarters. She fell onto the plush couch and began rubbing her head in exasperation. That prison had been horrible for her psyche and she needed to relax.

A servant with a brand mark that showed a crown surrounding a broken metal foot came to ask what she needed. "Please get me this security block out of me and the '34 Vinlune," she demanded. Vinlune, the Lunar wine, would soak some of the pain away. It was only when she started her third glass that she realized she had said please to the worthless servant. That would be remedied quickly.

She called the servant over, "Please try this." The servant slowly put the silver wine tarnished with a few drops of purple liquid to her lips.

"Remove the body at once," Levana called to the rest of her guard a few moments later. "And when will this infernal security block be removed from my body!"

A trembling guard walked over slowly, "I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than that, madam."

"My liege," Levana corrected.

"M-my liege," the guard nodded along, trying to be subtle about the bad news, "the emperor had a special security block implanted into you, one that injected the block into your blood."

"What are you saying?" Levana asked, her voice rising and her temper flaring.

"We will still be able to remove the block, eventually, but it will take more time than previously expected."

"We have Kaito now! We need the information from him, and how am I supposed to get that without my gift?"

"Someone else could always interrogate him," the guard said quietly.

"You know that is impossible! Stars above, are you a fool. My sister made sure that only members of the royal bloodline could understand this. Could participate in this... treatment! It has to be me!"

"We just need some more time-" the guard was cut off.

"We don't have more time!" Levana screamed, "We have now. It has to be now! We don't have thirty years for a plague to fester so they give us information! We don't have even a year to create another war. Do you not understand the time table? Do you not understand that this is our last chance?"

The poor guard who understood none of that made one last attempt for his life, "Please, my liege-"

"That infernal word: please!" she pointed at the head guard, "Make sure this one joins that servant girl.

The head guard and a servant boy carried the low ranking guard our as he kicked and screamed. The servant boy thought in his head, 'She been here half an hour and the body count is already up to two.' He thought of the dagger hidden among his robes, 'Soon to be three.'

Levana felt the rumble of the spaceship landing and slowly unsprawled herself from the couch. A queen's work was never done. As she walked out into the cold whip of winter, she thought of the task she was about to complete. Her sister had been working on it for years and after her death it had been up to Levana to uphold their little project. Unfortunately the stupid doctor, Erland something, had prefered the Eartherns to her. She was sure that Kai was the key to the last piece of the puzzle.

She just worried about the other seven and their robot. She had done enough damage to make the android unfixable but with the lost princess and her stupid stepdaughter working together... they had taken her down before.

The metal black doors stood in place, locked to keep out intruders. She pressed her palm against a glass panel on the side of the building. After her fingerprints were identified, she dropped a precious drop of her royal blood and let it fall onto a small sheet. The doors opened and she lifted up her skirts and entered.

She was so infatuated with herself she ignored the noise behind her.

The doors shut behind her, leaving her royal entourage behind her. She wasn't worried, there were enough guards in this building to fill every square foot of New Angeles. She needed them here to guard the place where everything she wanted would come true. Here was everything she had worked for. After all, what use were two planets if you couldn't hold onto them?

She strolled down a series of hallways to reach her goal. Her prize. She stared into a glass window at her experiment. A young girl, only ten, lay unconscious on the table. Her stomach was open to lay out a series of organs. The dissection seemed to be going well. She made a point to ignore the next window. The failed experiment. What she would become if this didn't go as planned. She kept her head held high as she walked to the final room at the end of the hallway.

The guard let her pass and she opened the metal door. She heard a series of grunts of anger and she smiled. The emperor was struggling to move as he remained tied to his electric chair.

"Wakey wakey, Kai," she whispered, "Let's begin."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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