Chapter Nine: Kai

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Kai was listening to the world leaders having an argument about what he did about Levana’s sentence. In other words, they all thought that she should’ve been sentenced to death. They knew that he wasn’t allowed to sway the votes, but they were still angry with him.

“You’re supposed to be the emperor!” said Prime Minister Kamin, of Africa. “You needed to take charge!”

“I tried my best!” Kai exclaimed. “It’s not my fault that Winter didn’t want her step-mom to die!” He glanced at Winter who was sitting next to him. As she looked over at him, her face showed that she was sorrowful for Kai for backing her up.

“Well you didn’t try hard enough!” Queen Camilla, of the United Kingdom yelled at him. He was taken aback at this because Queen Camilla very rarely raised her voice.

“You can’t blame Kai,” Winter said beside him. Kai silently thanked her. Even though the reason he was being yelled at was Winter, she stood by him. She took responsibility for her actions, which was the sign of a good leader. Even if she wouldn’t take control of Luna, she would make a great advisor...

The American President, Vargas, stood up, “Well maybe we should be blaming you!”

“Stop your arguing!” said a voice from the monitor. Most of the world leaders had actually flown to New Beijing but the Governor-General Williams, of Australia, had important business to be taking care of. Levana had launched a missile at the coast of Australia during the war, and the nation was still recovering. “We have to work together! Even though the war is over, we still have to stand united. We have to stand strong.”

Vargas laughed, “How can we be strong when Kaito and Winter, supposed leaders, can’t even execute a traitor to the union we had!”

Kai got up, “If you aren’t more respectful, I am prepared to leave!”

“We would appreciate it!” said Prime Minister Bromstad, of Europe, in a sarcastic tone.

Kai left with his last words: “Everyone be out of my country by morning.” He left the room with Winter following him, striding to keep up.

“I really respect what you did back there, Kaito.” Winter said, shyly.

Kai appreciated Winter, but wanted to be alone. Or with Cinder. “Could you please go? I need to be alone right now. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. I understand, Kai.”

Kai walked off. He had made arrangements with Cinder to talk after the meeting. He realized he would be early, but he headed out. He was almost to her work station when his port screen rang out. He had a message from Cress that was only one word:



Kai found Cress easily. He knew she had volunteered to hand out vaccines, so all he had to do was go to her corner. Suddenly Thorne and Jacin rushed on to the scene. “Get away from her!”

Thorne had shouted out, but was surprised to see Wolf and Scarlet rush in. “We’re here to help!”

Kai watched Cress struggle as two men grabbed her. They were trying to kidnap her! Again. Kai felt a sudden rush to help her, grabbing onto one of the attacker's backs. Thorne grabbed the other and they wrestled them to the ground. But the attackers smiled at each other.

They both reached for Kai and grabbed him instead. A ship pulled up and the two attackers pulled Kai. Wolf and Scarlet tried to reach them, but they were too far away. Thorne and Cress were distracted, and Jacin was unable to see the problem.

The attackers pulled Kai to the ship, while he screamed. “We’ll stop you!”

“Who? Us?” one attacker asked.

The other replied with a smirk, “We’re just the distractions.”

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