Chapter One: Kai

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Kai stared down at the woman who had caused him so much pain and wondered how he should vote. Would he spare her life after all the pain she had caused everyone on Earth and Luna? Or would he let her be more severely punished? Which did he think would cause her the most pain? Probably to live and see her enemy, her niece, rule her precious country on the moon. He decided that if she lived he would put a mirror in her cell. Or maybe a cell made of mirrors... He smiled at that. For once, justice could be dualed out upon her.

He was glad she couldn’t glamour him anymore or she might have tried to stop him. Thank the stars for bioelectricity security blocks! Even if Levana could still glamour people, Cinder would be able to stop her in the blink of an eye. Kai stared longingly at Cinder, who sat by his side. They could finally be together... The two of them would rule New Beijing together and without being afraid of the Lunar people starting a war. At last there could be peace between the two unions.

Kai reached his hand into his pocket and felt the small case. He wondered what Cinder would say if she knew what he was thinking. Would she be excited? Relieved? Angry? If only he knew.

He pushed that thought out of his head. He had much more important things to focus on. Such as the fate of the woman sitting in front of him. Most people would be cowering in Levana’s position, but to her credit, Levana simply stared straight ahead. She knew that no matter what she said she would be found guilty. It was simply the penalty she was waiting for.

Kai stood up as the crowd watched. “We find the accused guilty.” No one in the courtroom was particularly shocked by that. The vote had been unanimous, though the jury was a bit biased. All eight of them had at some point suffered because of Levana, and had fought so she wouldn’t succeed.

For not the first time, it occurred to Kai how different all of them were. A defiant mechanic, a hostage-gone-hacker, an escaped criminal, a lunar guard, a mutant soldier, an orphaned farm girl, and a temporary queen. Oh, and a terrified monarch.

The judge nodded in agreement. “It is time for the jury to decide upon a suitable punishment for Queen Levana of Luna.”

The eight of them looked at each other. Cress was particularly nervous, “Do you think she deserves death? She did horrible things, true, but should we really kill her?”

Jacin did not share her sympathy. “Of course she has to die! We can’t have someone like her lurking around! Remember how easily Cinder escaped from your prison? What if Levana did the same? Sure Lunar prisons are better, but still...”

All eyes turned toward Cinder. It was her who had escaped, so she could be the only one to know how easy it was to manipulate a guard. If she thought Levana could escape, there was no question what their decision would be. “I think Levana has so accustomed herself to the lunar gift, that she couldn’t manage to get by without it. Now that the bioelectricity security block is on her, I doubt she’ll be getting far using her glamour. That said, who knows what other tricks she may have up her sleeve.”

Thorne spoke up, “For once I agree with Jackson-”


“Whatever. I agree with Jacin here about killing that witch. She has done some pretty nasty stuff. I don’t like the idea of her being around, even if she is locked up.”

Cress nodded at that but still looked unsure. Winter’s dark black locks flowed as she spoke in her always sweet voice, “The blood on her hands cannot be ignored. However, everyone deserves a second chance!”

The other seven exchanged uneasy glances. Winter had a point, but Levana wasn’t someone you could trust with a second chance. To Kai, trust had to be earned, not given.

“Scarlet, Wolf, what do you think?” Cinder asked.

Scarlet exchanged a glance with Wolf before speaking. “We think that Levana needs to pay for what she has done. She needs to really feel what we’ve all felt. We think we need to hit her where it hurts.”

“Like torture?” Jacin asked, clearly intrigued.

Winter and Kai spoke at the same time, “No!”

Cinder put a hand on Kai’s shoulder. “Kai and Winter are right. That is not how we should handle things. But if thats what we’re doing, it’s time to vote. All in favor of Levana in prison?”

Cress and Winter both had their hands shoot up. They clearly didn’t want blood on their hands. “All in favor of torture?”

Scarlet and Wolf glanced at each other, and slowly raised their hands. Jacin followed suit.

“And those in favor of death?” Cinder asked.

At that Cinder, Thorne, and Kai all put their hands up, locking the eight in a tie.

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