Chapter Seven: Scarlet

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Scarlet wasn’t sure what she expected “torture” to be, but she certainly hadn’t expected this. From how Queen Levana was acting though, this may have been worse. She was a quite large cell, but it was a hall of mirrors, like you’d see in a fun house. There were quite a few ways to go, but they all backtracked on each other. It was like a maze with no ending. And to Levana, it was a prison with no chance of escape. Just a million halls.

Wolf followed behind her, and actually started laughing. Scarlet had to admit, it was pretty funny. Levana was quickly confused, and kept running into the wall. She would find a hallway and get excited, just to miss the turn and bang into a wall again. After seeing this woman try to cause horrible pain and suffering, and for her prison to be something you see in a fun house? It was a fairly good laugh.

The two of them walked up to her guard. “Scarlet Benoit to see “Queen” Levana.”

The guard recognized her immediately, and pressed a small intercom button. “Queen Levana?”

Levana looked up from the maze.

“You have visitors. Your time has been cut short,” the guard said. He explained. “As it is now, we are currently putting her in this three times for two hours each time per day.”

The guard gave no emotion as Levana was put into a regular cell. Scarlet and Wolf walked over to her. Wolf spoke first, “How dare you control Scarlet! What are you up to?”

Levana gave a smile and flipped her hair. “Whatever are you talking about? I could have no control over your nine-fingered friend! As you can see, I’ve been a bit lost for time at the moment.”

Scarlet looked down at her hand with a missing finger then glared at Levana. The former queen simply smiled at her. Even without her glamour, she was still extremely pretty. Her lucious brown hair made Scarlet’s redhead seem dull and Levana’s eyes were like diamonds. While she wasn’t as beautiful as with a glamour, she was still stunning.

Scarlet held her glare. “We know you have spies.”

“Spies!” Levana put her hand to her chest as if she were shocked. “However would I manage that?”

“Don’t play stupid with us!” Wolf warned her. “We could make your life a whole lot worse.”

Levana looked at her nails. “Hmmmmm... I’ll get back to you on that.”

Scarlet wished looks could kill, so Levana would be dead. But she didn't let Levana’s attitude destroy her confidence. “No. Tell us. Now.” She said sternly.

Levana just laughed at them but still didn’t look up at them. “Even if I did have spies, you could never do anything worse to me. Mirrors are the only thing that I’m afraid of, and they are already torturing me with them.”

Wolf slammed against the cage. “How about twenty four hours in that mirror maze? You want that?”

“As I’ve said before,” Levana smiled, “I didn’t control Scarlet.”

Wolf was about to try to kill Levana then and there, but Scarlet held him back. This wasn’t the way to get to Levana. If only there was someone she loved that they could use against her... But there was no one Levana loved at all, much less someone that she would give her life for--or her secrets.

Scarlet knew Wolf was annoyed about not being able to threaten Levana, but she knew it was for the best. They would get to Levana later, with the help of Cinder and Winter.

Suddenly, Wolf’s port screen flared to life buzzing loudly. Wolf picked it up and his eyes went wide. Scarlet knew what that meant. Bad, bad things. “What is it?”

“It’s Jacin and Thorne!” Wolf said. “They’ve tracked the spy and it’s after Cress. They need back up.”

And without a passing glance at Levana, Scarlet and Wolf sprinted out of the room.

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