Chapter Eight: Thorne

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Jackson was really starting to get on Thorne’s nerves. “So you abandoned your post? How could you be so disloyal?”

“Says the man who betrayed his army to help the enemy side,” Thorne muttered under his breath.

“Hey,” Jackson said. Apparently the “lunar guard” had good hearing. “I saved your ass a couple of times if I recall.”

Thorne gave a cheesy smile. “Like when Levana was about to execute you and we rushed in to stop you? I remember you did a lot of ass-kicking there!”

“Weren't you half blind for most of that? At least I didn’t punch my girlfriend!”

“That was an accident! And even half blind, I could still take you down if I wanted to!”

The two of them continued to bicker until the reached the corner. The quieted down and they turned. No one was there. They continued to follow the passageway while running, until they saw a door. Jackson looked at Thorne and he smiled. “Let’s do this.”

Jackson kicked open the door and was surprised to see the glare of the sun hitting his eyes. Throne walked out behind him, “They could be anywhere!”

“No,” Throne said, spotting them, “Look!”

Jackson turned and saw two figure running as fast as they could. Jackson and Thorne followed carefully behind them. As the reached the edge of the palace they prepared for battle.

“Shhh...” Jackson whispered. Thorne and Jackson looked up. And what Thorne saw shocked him.

He ran up, “Get away from her!”

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