Something Bought, Something Sold

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Asta's P.O.V.

"Father, I want her. She's elegant and beautiful all around." He growls and murmurs, his silver eyes glaring at me.

"You must be kidding me, child. You picked her as your consort? This is coming out of your college fund." I smile, getting my way yet again as I watch the guard roughly pull her off the stage.

I snap and yell at the guards. "You break her, you buy her from me, you understand?!" Receiving an approving gleam from my father. When she gets to me, I gently take her hand, my eyes roving over her body as she is dressed in a beautiful purple dress that matches her hair.

I huff, take my jacket off of myself, and slip it around her shivering shoulder. "I'm Asta Psyren. What's your name, my sweet?"

She pulled out a notepad and wrote it down. "My name is Vera." She bowed before me as I stopped her, shook my head, and gently grabbed her shoulder.

"No, no, no, here you're an equal. No need to bow, Vera." She must be mute. She nodded as I pulled her into a hug. She didn't hug back. She stayed silent and stiff in my arms. I knew the Auction Gala girls were stiff, but this seemed completely different. She appeared more defiant.

"How much did you spend on me? What are you going to use me for?" Her handwriting is elegant and beautiful.

My father grinned down at her and chuckled. "Well, you're fortunate because my daughter bought you as her consort. And, of course, you can't talk." He turned away and started to mingle with the other heads of the families.

She looked up at him, and I could feel her grip my jacket tighter, although her posture relaxed. "Oh ignore him, he's just being an ass." Her beautiful purple eyes shine in the dim lighting; I wonder if her purple hair is natural. I smiled and hooked my arm around her waist. I pulled her to me, and I could feel her body tense and her mind buzzing with frantic thoughts.

I grinned at her and gently rubbed the small of her back. "Relax, Vera. You're safe with me. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." I leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. Her thoughts slowly calmed, and she leaned into me as I looked at my father. "Father, can we leave now?"

He shook his head and forced us to wait. "While we wait, why don't you get to know her? She will be your partner from now on." I looked around the room and saw Dominic glaring at me for some reason, and I flipped him off and held her into my chest. ugh Dominic

I looked down at the cold girl wrapped in my arm before I walked off. "We will be in our waiting room when you get done. Come to get us." Her wavy purple hair looked stunning in my arms—very heavenly. Focus, Asta! I need to explain a lot to her.

I wonder if she has had the proper schooling. I walked into the closed-off room with one-way windows, and we could see the Auction Gala, but they could not see us, as I gently laid her on the bed. She wrote it down: "Atsa...Why are we back here?"

I smiled at her and gently sat at the table in the center of the room, hearing her thoughts buzzing with uncertainty again, which made me frown slightly. "I wanted to get you out of that stuffy room with all those vampires staring at you."

She sits up and gazes at me, writing down something else. "What does it mean to you for me to be your consort?" I sat next to her, gently placing a hand on her knee.

Hearing her thoughts spike at the first sign of touch, I gently rubbed it. "My consort and my consort, you'll be my partner and hopefully get a job within my family circle. You will be introduced to my family, and in private, we will hopefully cement our relationship." I leaned in close and gently kissed her cheek. I saw her lean away from my advances and settle on the bed away from me.

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