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Vera's P.O.V.

It was the next day when everything was supposed to go according to plan. Little did I know what Fate had in store for me. I was waiting in the cafeteria for the Bri to appear as usual. She never showed, and I had this sickening feeling in my gut. So, instead, I put up my food, leaving with no appetite. I didn't need anything. I put up my tray and decided to check on Dominic because I had missed my meeting with him; I walked down the halls. I saw both him and Bri talking to each other. I had this twisted feeling in my stomach as Dominic's gazes turned towards me, and I didn't see him for a second. He was gone, and then the next thing I knew, he was behind me, grabbing my wrists and pinning me to the wall. Startled, I spoke up. "What's going on?!"

Dominic's words came harshly out of his mouth. As my gaze flickered towards Bri, she had a guilty expression. Of course, I knew she'd rat me out for something probably materialistic. "What, you didn't think we would figure out that you were trying to escape? Even if I do favor you, Vera, you're not allowed to leave until your time is up." He grabbed my wrists and pulled me down the corridor. We went further into the building, down some stairs, and ended up in a darker, damp environment that was the basement. I could hear water dripping from the ceilings and smell the musk of mold. He walked me down past All these doorways. Glancing inside one of them, I saw padded rooms that were never supposed to be used. There was one opened, ready for me. Dominic shoved me into it. I landed hard on the padded floor and groaned. Of course—just my luck. You can't trust anyone here.

Before the door shut, I saw Dominic. He gazed at me. His Azure eyes were ever-alluring. My voice trembled as I said, "You can't just leave me in here."

His face contorted with anger as he spoke. "Of course, I can just leave you in here. I can do whatever I damn please" That's that's how my days started to mold together into one everlasting memory. I'd sit here in my padded cell with nothing to do. Nothing to keep my mind preoccupied with day after day turned into weeks, and after the first or second month, I started to lose count. I would often take the pen I had with my notepad and draw things in it, but soon after that first month, that pen ran out of ink, and all they had left was a notebook full of drawings that didn't matter. This was all my fault for thinking I could trust someone here.

Everyone fought for their freedom for their living. I should have just done the same. I should have told Dominic her plan from the beginning, and instead, I let her get to him before I could. It was colder than usual, and my cell had no windows. They would bring me food once a day with a small cup of water to satiate myself. This had become my new life for as long as I could remember. I started to miss and yearn for Dominic's touch.

I started counting anything, the specs, and spots on the walls that were the slowly black growing mold from the condensation of the basement. I started counting the pads in the cell. There were 1,246 pads in my cell. The fluorescent lights overhead constantly buzzed, making my mind numb to the sound. It was also deafening to be around. I started to hear things like auditory hallucinations that I knew weren't there. At first, it was my mother's voice calling my name. Then it was my father asking me how I was, and then a few days later, I started getting visual hallucinations, things like my boyfriend standing in the corner of the room just staring at me. It was all so surreal. I couldn't stand it any longer. I started banging and screaming on the walls, wanting to get out. It was all starting to get too much for me and then came the meal for the day, and that helped solidify me that.....that gray tray helped me solidify myself within the reality that I was in. Just something physical and small was all I needed, so I kept the daily apple they gave me. It would soon rot a few weeks later, but that's all that I needed after it deteriorated; I tossed it out the small slit that they gave me my food through, leaving it on the ground to be discarded. That tiny red Apple gave me so much in the short time it sat in my cell. I was able to submit myself to reality and keep the hallucinations away. The next thing that I kept was a carrot.

The orange color contrast in the white walls hurt my head. It was hard to stare at, so I didn't. I kept it in the corner and played without crying or screaming. I might try to get out by clawing at the padded walls.

One random day among the many, I woke up and saw Dominic standing in the doorway beside me. The door was shut, obviously, and I thought this was just another hallucination, so I started to scream and yell at him. I got so angry at the image of him that I got up and tried to shove him. Only then did my hands meet his chest that I realized he was there. He had come to visit me after such a long time. I was so torn between being happy and upset that he had set me in here before I could do anything. He'd pinned me against the padded wall and drove his things deep into my neck...

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