A Dark Day

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Vera's P.O.V.

One random day that Dominic visited me was the third month I was in the cell. I was thrilled that he had seen me, even briefly. The hallucination started to get nasty. My mother and father were screaming at me. I could do nothing but lay in the bed and suffer. I lay there thinking about what I might do and how to circumvent this situation. My mind thought of nothing but one escape, one singular thing that I could do to get out of this hell. I didn't want to do it, but I had to end my own life. I had a plan. It was simple and short, like how it should end. The tray, The thing that helped me submit myself into this place, would be the very thing that helped me take myself out of this hell hole with my family constantly screaming at me and yelling at me about how I was a failure but how the money that they use didn't even go to anything good and just it hurts so much to listen to them beg, whine, and plead with me to take my own life to know that even my closest loved ones wanted me dead just like I wished to myself gone. I could do nothing but agree with them.

What hurt most was the day that my boyfriend came and sat on my bed. He whispered in my ears. "We never loved you to begin with. You are nothing but a failure. End your own life." That's when the food tray came. I launched from my bed, grabbed it from whoever hand came, and delivered it. I noticed the jagged metal edges of the tray. I dumped what food they gave me onto the floor and pressed one of the sharp corners into my wrists, dragging it vertically up to where my arms bend, hissing at the sudden pain and the quickening blood that was spilling over my arm the heat and the arm blood that start to coat my arm was such a nice feeling compared to the coldness The pain striking ups down my arm was nothing compared to the pain of the hallucinations. I did the same with my other arm as I collapsed on the bed and let the blood swell up from the long cuts down my arms and coat the white ground and mattress. The deep crimson color that was starting to spill and splatter everywhere was so lovely to look at...it was calming...I closed my eyes and drifted off into the deep slumber of eternity.

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