120 Days In

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Lyra's P.O.V.

I shivered and handled chunks into the toilet. I threw up a good three to four times before I wiped my mouth with a towel. Asta was holding my hair for me. This morning sickness is killing me. I stood and sighed to myself, and looked at myself in the mirror, looking at the bump that was my stomach. It was small and almost unnoticeable. I felt her arms slip around my hips and felt her body pressed against mine as she whispered in my ear. "Our child will be one of a kind."

I turned around and dug my face into her shoulder. "I'm scared, Asta." I bit my lip and started tearing up. "W-what if?"

She shushed me by kissing me, her lips pressing against mine. I melted into her kisses and love before I pushed myself against her body. "Shhh, don't worry, my love. Everything will be okay." I gulped and nodded as I decided to leave my notepad on the nightstand. I've been building up to this for a while. I would talk to her family, but more importantly, we would announce my pregnancy. We planned to go to the doctor today after breakfast as well. My hand drifted to my arms, brushing the long scars down my forearms. I looked away, and Asta gently grabbed my hands. "What are these scars, my love.." 

I bit my lip and looked away. "T-they are...." I sighed and leaned against the counter. She had asked me about this for a while, but I kept it from her. I gripped the counter and met her gaze. There was sadness when I looked into her eyes. "About three months ago, I think....I tried to kill myself; they had put me into solitary confinement because I attempting to escape the Auction house..." She closed the distance between us, pulling me into a hug. I pressed my head into the crick of her neck as I felt tears well in my eyes. I started to cry in her arms, the tears coming fast.

I sobbed hard into her shoulder. She comforted me as best as possible, rubbing my shoulder and back, soothing me slowly. My sobs slowed as I pulled back and kissed her cheek softly, fresh tears still on my face. She reached up and whipped them away with her thumb, gently cupping my face and cheeks. "I'm glad you didn't leave me, my sweet Lyra." 

I leaned against her hands and gently nuzzled them. I giggled and smiled at her. "I am, too." I pulled away, turned around, and walked out into our bedroom, looking through my clothing choices. I found a sweater Asta wore frequently, and I put it on. It was baggy on me and covered my small baby bump; I put on some shorts, nothing too skimpy but enough to show off some legs for Asta, who liked it when I did. 

I grabbed her hand as she was already ready. I pulled her through our apartment and out our door into the hallway, making our way down the castle hallways. "Are you okay?" 

Asta's voice was nice to hear. I stepped closer to her and slowly got comforted in her embrace. "What if.." They don't accept me?... I didn't want to say it out loud. 

She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. "Of course they will. They already have my love. This is nothing new, okay? We got this!" 

I knew she was right, but that fear deep down inside me wasn't leaving. Did I even want the child? It was his, after all... 

We walked into the big, bustling dining room with which I had gotten acquainted. My gaze flicked over all the siblings and their respected consorts if they had one, and then her parents; I sat beside Asta as her mother and father treated both of us; her mother spoke up first. "Good Morning, Lyra. How are you feeling today?"  She had a knowing grin on her face. 

I got my food and smiled at her before raising my glass of milk, giving her a thumbs up with my free hand.

She chuckled and sipped her wine before leaning forward and gazing at me playfully. "Oh please, you have all the right to call me mother. Especially with how well-behaved Asta has been since she's got you." 

Asta's pale face turned red as she grimaced at her mother. "I was never that bad..." 

Lysander looked at me, his voice speaking over the ruckus of the rest of the family. "You should have seen how she treated her past consorts." 

My ears perked at this; her past consorts were something she never talked about. That earns a look from Asta, one filled with...regret. "Well, you see, her last consort was drained duri-"

"OKAY, that's enough, Lysander; you know how your sister feels about that topic." Her father spoke up for her as she stared down at her plate, picking at it. 

I gently grabbed her hand and scooted my chair back. I stood with Aster as her downtrodden look turned into pure joy. "We have something to announce," Asta said. 

Everyone was looking at me. I gulped and tried to look around, holding their gazes as I felt Asta's hand gently rub my back. I looked at her, and she nodded. "I—I'm pregnant." 

The dining room went up in a roar of questions. Her father was the first that we answered. "How are you Pregnant? And From who?" 

Asta answered for me. "I wasn't mesmerically casual, but I've come to figure out that it happened when she was at the Auction Gala; as for who?" 

Asta looked at me with a questioning gleam. I sighed and nodded. "Dominic Sanguine, I haven't decided yet if I'm keeping the bay or not.." 

She squeezed my hand, spoke up as we sat, and resumed picking at our plates. "And whatever she deiced, I will back her in it." 

Her father sat down and back in his seat, thinking out loud. "We could get him in big trouble for toughing the merchandise before it is sold." 

I shook my head. "I already tried that when I was in the action house; they said since I was under his care and in the batch of slaves that he was supposed to take care of..." I shivered and gulped and looked away, the memories coming flooding back. "He could do whatever he pleased to me because I was already considered and guaranteed to be his."

Her father nodded and stood, walking over to me and Patting me on the shoulder. "Well, I'm glad you ended up with us. I'm going to research your current situation; the auction gala is usually never like that..."   

I smiled up at him and walked him away as Selene leaned over and gently tugged the sleeve of my arm. "How far along are you?" 

I sat straighter in my chair. My hand went to my stomach. I gently rubbed it. "I-I don't know; Asta and I are going to the in-house doctor today to figure it out." She sank back in her seat as I looked around at her siblings; I started to tune them all out and think to myself. Did I want the child.....was it right for me to keep it? I-I don't know... I-I...I felt Asta's hand grab my mind, forcing me back to reality. My vision became blurry. W-what, when did I start crying? I bit my lip and whipped my eyes. I leaned against Asta's shoulders. 

Before I knew it, Asta had answered all of her sibling's questions. We finished our breakfast, and she led the way through the twisting and turning halls into a small office-like room as we knocked on the door. A Vampire greeted us with blue hair and blue eyes. "Hello, I'm Doctor Victor. How may I help you, Princess Asta?" 

She tugged me closer to her side and gestured to my stomach. "I need to know how far along my partner is in her pregnancy." 

Victor nodded and led us up into the back of his office, where a giant infirmity existed. We walked through it into another doorway and into a small room with a bed and an overhead light. "I need you to lie on the bed and raise your shirt."

I did as he said. Astas gazed and followed his every move. She had been very protective of me ever since she found out. He put some gel on my stomach and used some weird machine to see into it. I didn't understand much of the technology because I had never seen it before. "I can't tell what gender it is yet. I'd say you're about 7-8 weeks out, so come back in about that. Two months, and I should be able to tell you what gender it is. Also, congratulations, Asta." 

He cleaned the gel off my stomach as I sat up and walked over to last, leaning into her arms. She gripped my hand and led me out of the office. Then, into the hallways, we made our way to our apartment. My mind wondered...I'm seven weeks into my pregnancy...I-I can't believe this... Asta grabbed my shoulder and forced me to look up at her. "Hey, I'm ready to have this baby; let me start making the preparations for you, okay?" 

I nodded without actually hearing her. I was still stuck in my own head... 

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