Unfeathered Love

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Dominics P.O.V.

It was a darker day than usual. Clouds had settled over the moonlight as I sat on my desk and wanted to know what to do next. I couldn't just let her go free. Not yet. She didn't deserve to. At least, I didn't think she did. I wondered as I fiddled with a piece of paper, drawing small doodles of her on it. Just her face, her hair. The beautiful dimples that she had. What to do? What to do? I sat there awhile, looking at the lantern's flickering lights that dashed across the room. One of the workers burst into the room, their faces full of panic and their eyes full of fear. I could sense it from over here, and the faint smell of blood on them made me worry. It wasn't just any blood. It was her blood. I stood at my desk immediately and ran over to them. My voice was heavy and demanding, "What happened?" They said they didn't know. How long did it take for them to find her like that? All bled up and stuck like a pig, they told me that they had her set up in the infirmary room, so I decided to check on her. I couldn't help but slowly wander the halls for a while before building the courage and seeing her.

When I entered the infirmary, it was hushed. Deathly quiet. I saw her pale form lying in the medbay bed with an IV stuck in her arm as well as another bag giving her blood. I could tell that that blood wouldn't be cheap at all, especially for her rare blood type. So I knew that they were trying at all expense to save her. Considering she was the Golden Girl, we would profit off the most. I walked over to her sleeping form and gazed down at her. Her eyes were shut, and her breathing was shallow. Her purple hair flowed over her body like she was dead. I could hear the faintest of heartbeats, and her arms were bandaged badly.

Blood still leaked through the bandages, and I wondered what happened. I wonder what she did. Why did she do it? I knew what she did, of course, but I mean how. How had she ended up trying to take her life, though we didn't give her anything...that's what hit me: the old food tray. We needed to update our supplies for more conventional means of feeding. If it weren't for that, she would still be with me. Guilt racked my body and brain. I couldn't do anything but stand there and look at her. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Phil, one of her teachers, who praised her the most, the teacher who taught her how to be a proper slave. I turned around. "What are you doing here?"

His brow furrowed, his eyes filled with confusion as his hand only gripped my shoulder harder. "What do you mean? She was one of my prize students. Of course, I'd be here. I can't believe she tried to take her own life, and why wasn't she at my classes as of late? Did she get pulled from the program? I didn't think anyone got pulled from the program nowadays."

I quickly removed his hand from my shoulder and turned around to face him fully, running my hand through my silver hair. "Will you see she had gotten caught trying to escape, so we put her in solitary confinement?"

His eyes narrowed as he took a step back. "She didn't seem to take that well now, did she?" words struck me hard. Of course, she didn't. Why would she? I picked up the notepad that was sitting next to her. It was on the end table with a clipboard detailing what she was going through. She was in a coma induced by blood loss. Of course, she would be out for a while, wouldn't she? I sighed to myself and flipped through the notepad, seeing various drawings of myself and her. Some of us are intimate with each other. Some argue, and some depict us just living a life of happiness together. This made my heart ache for her. Of course, all she wanted at the end was me, right? That's how I orchestrated all of this and for her to take it away. I can't believe that I just let this happen like that. I thought visiting her was enough. I thought giving her what she wanted was enough. I set the notebook down on her table. I was taking a look around at the environment. I saw that no one else was in the infirmary.

I saw Phil had left, probably to deliver the bad news he had to the other teacher. I sighed and sat at her bedside. I don't know how long they sat there and waited for anything. Nothing ever happened. She never moved. Never twitched. It was like she was dead, and all I could do was sit there and wait. all the paperwork I was supposed to get done and all the showcasing I was supposed to do of the current auction house girls. It was all for nothing. For my little Vera. She was hurt, and she was almost gone. What should I do? If she had left me? I couldn't bear the thought, so I got up and left. I had to do something. I had to find a way to get her out so I went back to my office and researched her past. Patients often wake up when some smell or triggers brought them from their past. At least, that's what it was like here. But all my research was for not. Not a single thing I did woke her. All I had to do was wait.

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