Veiled Harmony

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Vera's P.O.V.

Last night was not real. It couldn't be; how did I end up in this situation... I thought I would have been bought to be bred as an enslaved person. I thought the rumors were true about vampires. They were all wrong... She brushes my hair methodically as I open my eyes to find myself lying on a couch facing a wall of windows, each offering a different view of the city I grew up in. "You're finally awake, Vera."

I sit up and look at her as she smokes. I wonder why or even if vampires can get a nicotine high. I look around for my notepad, find it on the table, pick it up, and write. "Did we?" Was the obvious question on my face; she chuckled and put her cigarette on the coffee table's ashtray before gently caressing my cheek. I was hesitant initially, but soon, I leaned into her hand. I suppose it was lovely actually to be loved.

"No, we didn't, Vera. But you were perfect last night, so I have ordered you something that will go in my closet that you can pick from. In public, you will wear modest clothes that accentuate your figure. In private, I must ask you to wear what I pick out for you, especially while working. I want to look at your beautiful body now and then." She grimaces as I follow her gaze and gasp, seeing the massive bruise on my hip as well as the scared bite mark. Oh my god, that bruising is rather hot...

She bends down to gently rub a finger over it, causing me to gasp in pain, gently grabbing her wrist in anticipation. "I'm sorry, Vera darling. I didn't mean to bruise you that badly; I was aiming for more of a hickey look. I'll have to be more careful in the future." She sighed and stood. "Come, as much as I love seeing you in close to nothing. We have a business to deal with today, so I will pick out your outfit for you; if you have any questions, ask; you are my equal here."

Eventually, I'm looking at myself in the big bathroom mirror, the sheer lace overcoat barely leaving anything up to the imagination, along with the black crop top and black jean shorts that show my purple lace panties and bra underneath. I like the outfit more than expected; it matches my eyes and hair. "Come out darling, let me see you." I hear her soothing voice speak through the door. I nod and dip out of the bathroom. She gasps when she sees me, making my blush span across my face.

I wrote it down on my notepad and showed it to her. "How'd you know my style?" She chuckles and walks over to me, taking my red face into her hands.

"I didn't; I just took a guess based on your thoughts." This left me confused.

Tilting my head, I look at her. "What do you mean, based on my thoughts? Are there any rules I should know before I make a fool of myself?"

She smirks at my eagerness, sending butterflies ablaze in my stomach. "Well, you see, my family's power has to do with mentality, not so much as controlling the mental plane but more reading minds. You provide me with companionship and substance, and I provide you safety; there are only three families that treat their humans as live livestock, and it's disgusting to me; you're my partner and lover, and I will treat you with such as long as you are loyal to me and only me. Loyalty means letting no one other than me feed off you and letting no one other than me touch you in any way. The only thing I expect from you is companionship; it won't be easy because I'm challenging to be with. Now, there are a few rules we need to follow in public. You can call me whatever you want~"

She cups my face and leans in, gently kissing me as I shakily kiss back. She pulls me into her arms and whispers in my ear. "I know, baby girl. " Those words tingle my insides, unlike anything I'd ever felt. "Vera, you need to know something." She gently grabs my shoulders and steadies me.

I nod and listen to her, my gaze meeting the sublet glow of her crimson eyes. She closes the distance between us as I hear a small voice that isn't my own in the back of my head. Vera. I can listen to your thoughts and communicate with you through telepathy. I jump slightly as I press my forehead against hers, shaking slowly as I've never experienced this before.

She can hear my thoughts? I don't have to talk verbally? How...

Don't worry; she replied. I won't delve too deep into your thoughts when you want to talk; reach out with your idea, okay? I nod. She pulls away with a smile. "Good girl~ Now we can get going; we have a lot of things to do today. We will eat breakfast, and then we will explore the gardens together. After that, we will go to a family meeting, and I will introduce you to my siblings and parents properly. Dinner will be next, and after that, we have to prepare for the next blood moon, which is set to happen in three days."

She sighed and nodded. Her voice slowly showed in my head.

Oh, will that mean you'll be feeding me that night?

She winces, pain flashing in her eyes. I will try not to feed off of you. That night last time, I drained my old consorts. I feel a spark of apprehension as I follow her. She walks out of the room, leash in hand. It was my first time being out in the halls in this ensemble.

I feel like everyone is watching me... God, getting used to this is going to take a while.

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