Within 90 Days

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Asta's P.O.V.

I woke up next to my loving partner. It was the start of the second week of the second month after we had been to the doctor to find out she was eight weeks out. She was about 14 weeks out and started craving chocolate and a weird combination of things. Every day, she would ask me if I had any more crackers she liked; I planned to pick some up while we were out and about today. She was about who was pregnant! 

I couldn't believe it. Of course, I wanted to have the child with her, but if she decided she didn't want to keep it, then I would support her no matter what. I got up and looked around, ensuring she was still asleep. I had a bit of a surprise for her today. I wanted to get together and make the baby's room just in case you know she decided to keep it, and if she didn't, that's completely okay, too. I got up and got dressed in my usual wear. It was a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Today was a lazy day. When I was back, I pulled out a magazine from one of my drawers from a long time ago. I was looking at the possibility of having a kid with my old consort. 

I still haven't had the chance to talk to Lyra about that. I didn't want to. It was a tricky subject to talk about. I looked for the catalog and started ordering some items that would get here within the next few days—hoping that in some way, shape, or form, she would see the items that I would be getting and still want the child. I don't care who it's from; I just wanted to be with her and have that child with her. When the items arrived, she was still asleep, and it was. It was nice. So I said I set up all the items in the guest bedroom that we had in our apartment that we were living in in the castle. 

It was a pretty big apartment. The main entrance in the kitchen was off to the right of the main hall. You would walk straight past the kitchen into the living room with the couch facing the wall of glass, and then there was a hallway to the left side of the kitchen entrance that led to two guest bathrooms, a bathroom and right beside the kitchen. On the right wall was a doorway leading into our bedroom and bathroom. So I used one of the guest bedrooms as the baby's room, setting up the crib and all the other sorts of stuff that we would need for the baby: some toys, some prizes here and there for Lyra. I just wanted her to be happy.

I was surprised when she woke up and came into the room. She was shocked when she saw what I was doing. "What are you doing, love?" Her voice was getting better from being used more frequently

I stood off the ground from where I had put the crib together and hugged her. I held her there for a long while before I answered her. "I wanted this to be a surprise, my little Lyra..."

She hugged me back and kissed my lip softly as I held her close. She pulled away a little bit and whispered on my lips. "What are the plans for today?"

I thought about that. What were the plans for today? It took me a while to figure it out before I got to answer. I want to take you to the movie to relax and maybe have dinner here.

So we both decided to get ready for the day. I was already prepared and waiting for her to get prepared. She always took so long because she wanted to look perfect, which I was okay with. She decided to wear a flowy dress that hid her belly bump. It was beautiful in lavender, with master-flowing purple hair and green accents. It was a weird combination, but I had the dress made for her because she looked lovely in it, and I liked having things made for her that looked odd but fit her looks very well with her green eyes and purple hair. I have been stunned by her beauty since I first saw her. So we headed down through the castle went out into the entrance. We got into one of our limos and started making our way down through the great Psyren City,

I stopped by the local grocery store and picked up some of the snacks she craves: chocolate chip crackers. Some of it was unhealthy, but she was allowed to be a little bit sick, especially in a time of need like now. After helping them back into the limo with a bag of groceries, I gently pulled her into my lap, kissing the side of her neck and nuzzling her, taking in this scent of her. It was like lavender except sweet. We made our way to the movies and sat down in the theater. I didn't have to pay much because I was the princess. They said I could watch anything for free, including my partner. We watched a movie called Red Rituals. It wasn't anything serious—it was just a comedy about two Vampire partners fighting over something. I didn't pay much attention to it. I was just lost in her, staring at her. I held her hand and sipped on the cup we bought at the counter. Then, it was time to go, and I had to pick her up and carry her. I like carrying her out to the car and sitting her inside the seat next to me.

I picked a nice little place for Mexico's dinner that wasn't too expensive. It was called The Vampires ramen shop. It was hilarious. I thought many places here in Pysren City were named like that. We sat down at the outdoor Roman shop and ordered some Homebrew food. We had got it and started eating, and she decided to pick up a bit of a conversation today. "How are you feeling today?"

I laughed and gently rubbed the small of her back with my hand as I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Me?! I'm doing just fine, what about you? How are you doing?" My hand drifted around her side and into the front of her stomach before I moved and held her from behind. Gently rub her baby bump and kiss her on the neck. I whispered. "I can't wait to have this child with you." There it was, that uncertainty and her thoughts again. I knew she was very cautious about having this child with me, not because it was with me but because it was his child, Dominic's. I agreed. What he did to her was not okay, but I'm glad I had this opportunity with her.

After finishing our food, we returned to the limo and decided to go home for the day. We did the things that we wanted, and now it was time to visit the doctor to figure out the gender of the child. Pending the groceries off to an employee of my family. They took them up to our room and put them away while I walked her towards the back of the castle where the office that Dr. Victor had when we got there was. Dr. Victor greeted us with a smile. His blue eyes are bright as usual. I feel Lyra tense beside me. I wondered why. I held her hand and pulled her clothes as I spoke to Victor. "We are here for another ultrasound to see gender." He said no and brought us back through the infirmary and into the back room where the ultrasound system equipment was. I laid Lyra on the bed and gently moved Lyra's shirt to expose her belly. It was bigger than last time by a noticeable amount. She started to become more sluggish, and her movement was too. She was beginning to show off the pregnant side of pregnancy now.

He offered to put the gel on her stomach so she wouldn't be uncomfortable like last time. So I did, and he moved the stick around on her stomach to see the baby. I leaned over and looked into the monitor. "It's a girl... congratulations, Asta, you're having a girl." His words rang in my ears as I used one of the nearby towels to clean off the gel and pulled her up to me.

I took her back to our room and buzzed into her thoughts. I could hear her being at war with herself before she turned to me and grabbed me by the collar, kissed me deeply. I returned the kiss and smiled down at him. "What was that for?"

She giggled, pulled me down again, and whispered, "I want to keep the baby with you...I've decided....I-I want her.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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