Part 4

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Lance stared at Keith in shock.

Did this fucker seriously just sexually assault me and then fall asleep!? Well, I guess I kinda went along with it...But still! Who does that!? He poked Keith's cheek gently, but the he didn't even flinch. He carefully sat up, his arms shaky, but didn't take his gaze off the red Paladin. Something about his sleeping face drew him in, maybe how peaceful he looked; a sharp contrast to his normal self, or the cute way his lips separated after a while.

Realizing he'd been just staring at his sleeping companion for who knew how long, he shook his head, trying to dislodge all the crazy in there. He felt like a mess. Not only did Keith—Keith, of all people—like him, a lot, like, enough to want to fuck him, but for some reason, he didn't seem to mind it? What the hell was even going on?

I've gotta get out of here, he decided, putting an end to all the weird thoughts he was having. He jumped up, adjusting his pants, and took a deep, calming breath. When that didn't do anything, he groaned, pressing both palms against his temples. He could figure this all out the next day, when he could have an actual—not drunk and late at night—conversation with Keith.

"Whoooh. Okay." He nodded to himself, walking to the door and pressing the screen next to it.

It didn't open.

All of his sudden confidence shattered. How had Keith closed it like that? Was there a switch? Was it, like, a mental command? Did he have a remote? Yeah, that had to be it. He was pretty sure he'd heard a click right before it closed.

Sighing deeply, he turned back to the sleeping boy, examining him from as far away as possible. When no obvious remote jumped out at him, he pressed his lips together in annoyance and took a couple reluctant steps to the bed, bending down and running a hand through the covers, praying he could find whatever he was looking for as soon as possible before anything else happened. When his hands found nothing, he grunted in anger, eyes jumping to Keith again. It had to be in one of his pockets, then. Hesitantly, he reached into his red jacket, fingers digging through every inch of the warm pocket, but found nothing. Great. It's in one of his pants' pockets, then.

Hands shaking, he reached into the closest one to him, but before he could even begin the search, a woosh and a burst of light from the outside made him jump so badly he almost tripped on the bedpost. Spinning around, he was met with Pidge's small face staring up at him, one eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"O-Oh! You opened it!" he stammered, hands twitching in every direction as his mind spun to find any excuse for why he was digging around in Keith's pants in a locked room.

"Y...Yeah. Pidge's eyes narrowed, and he could see gears turning in her head as well. "We got everyone back to their rooms, after a bit of an...incident, but you weren't in yours so I figured I'd check on you. If you need some time, I can—"

"Time?" He laughed loudly, using his most confident stride to walk out the door as quickly as possible. "For what? Nothing? Get this; it was so weird—the door locked on us, then Keith passed out, so I was trying to wake him up! You saved me! So, thanks!"

"Yeah...No prob." He heard the door close behind him as he strutted down the hallway away from it. Hurried footsteps made his heart sink as Pidge slowed down to walk next to him, having to use all her stride to keep up.

"What's up?" He hated how much his voice was shaking, and he knew she'd noticed it too.

"My room's this way too," she reminded him snarkily.

"Oh. Right."

They walked in silence for a few seconds before Pidge looked up at him again, this time her expression worried.

"Lance, you didn't drink anything, right?"

"No way! That stuff was evil, I tell you."


He quickly looked away, hoping that was the end of the conversation.

"So why are you as red as Allura and Hunk?"

He flinched, scrambling for words. "It's really hot in Keith's room! Like, seriously! Why doesn't this castle have windows?"

Pidge sighed. "Lance, we're in space. We can't just open a window."

"Oh! Good point."

"You're acting really weird." Suddenly she blinked, stopping in her tracks. "Wait. Is this what I think it is?"

"I don't think so," he tried meekly, stopping as well, but he could already tell she'd caught on by that gleam in her eye.

"Okay~" she hummed in a sing-songy voice, a grin spreading over her face. "Just saying, I totally called it." He felt his cheeks heat even more, but tried to hide it with a glare.

"You're delusional."

"Uh huh." She strutted okay to the door next to them, which he recognized as her room by the machines inside when the door opened.

"See you tomorrow, I guess..." he muttered, stalking down the hall away from her.

Before he could get two steps away, she called out after him: "Lance?"

"What?" He regretted glancing back when her head and arm popped out of the doorway, giving him her usual toothy smile and a thumbs up.

"You guys have my full support."

"Ggh—" He flushed even brighter, but before he could deny anything or whatever she was implying if it wasn't what he thought—not that it couldn't be, with all the signs she was giving—she grinned and slipped inside, the door sliding shut behind her.

Lance stood awkwardly in the hallway, mind whirling with new information and emotions so quickly it made him want to curl into a ball and stare at a blank wall for a while. But it would probably be better to go to bed than do that, so he started on shaky legs back toward his room, wishing he'd taken part in the wacky space juice trip just so he could forget all of this.

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