Chapter 9: The Defenses

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The heroes have arrived at the blind side of Mount Dominion and looked up in fear and horror. It's actually a volcano, long dormant! Still, the thought about climbing a volcano seemed pretty risky, even for our beloved hero Chase. Right now he's thinking Mount Dominion looks an awful lot like Mount Doom from the Lord of the Rings. I think it's obvious in the name. Anyway, Crash had his climbing gear ready and all of them started climbing. Craze was taking turns on who was going to watch him. It was Chase's turn. So Crash grabbed a harness that was strapped to Chase's back as they climbed. At the middle of the mountain, there is a platform big enough for a campground. They stop to rest since they climbed for almost two hours! Craze was released from his harness and Carl started scanning the interior of the mountain while Crash was on guard duty, making sure they are not found. Chase was pacing back and forth from one side to the other. Every minute passes by since entering Clone's universe made him think about his friends. But mostly, Skye. He can't stop but worry about her. What tortures Clone has in store for her. The terrible things he'll say to bring her down emotionally, et cetera, et cetera. 

Carl: These readings on the minerals inside the rock is astounding! I see a mixture of brimstone, bedrock, and rubies. I think on naming it, "Dominia". Because it comes from this mountain alone. No other rock in this world comes from anywhere else. (Puts away his scanner and decides to relax)

But a memory crossed Chase's mind: why didn't Carl hot-wire the train from earlier if he knows what to do and what not to do for that specific vehicle. He wouldn't have to use his meteor badge if Carl's expertise in technology was put into making the train work. 

Chase: So, Carl. What is it about vehicles that makes you scared stiff?

Carl: I'd . . . rather not say. (Chase gives an 'are you serious' glare used for interrogation) But since you are persistent, I got to say that I'm . . . (mumbling)

Chase: You are, what?

Crash: Nothing in the West.

Craze: Uhh, guys? (Looks up)

Carl: (mumbling incoherently)

Crash: (sees Craze looking up and then looks up) Uh, Chase?

Chase: Well, what, Carl?!?


Crash and Craze: GUYS!!!!!

Chase and Carl: WHAT?!?!

The arguing German Shepherds looked up to see cannons and turrets aiming straight down at them. They started firing at our heroes. But they dodge easily. The heavy fire from Clone's defenses are slow and unable to land a hit. Some were close, but never got them. Back in the fortress, Clone oversees the event. He growls now knowing his defenses won't hit them! 

Clone: Flame! Send Fin and Slaveria down there personally and a couple Questbots (Mechaniac's robot soldiers) immediately! If they still fail, I'm going to have to go down there MYSELF!

Flame did what his leader demanded. Zuma and Liberty's evil, cyborg counterparts fly down there, just like when Clone was chasing Skye a few chapters ago. The turrets and cannons stopped firing leaving our heroes unharmed. 

Crash: That was easy. 

Carl: A little TOO easy. Even for Clone.

Then, they see the two cyborg dogs flying down to them like either Adam Warlock or Black Adam  going straight down (if you remember the meme of them flying). Anyway, they land. Worry comes upon each of their faces as they gaze in their new foes.

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