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June 12th...
Year 378...
City of Therasus...
Xiones Castle...
Day of the ball, coronation of princess Sterlla...

The continuous chattering of an anxious crowd echoed outside the ancient stone walls of Xiones Castle. The thick wooden doors to the princess's chamber were flung open by the guards of the Xiones army, their heavy footsteps reverberating in the grand hallway. One by one, they marched in, followed closely by a curious throng of esteemed royals and nobles. Among them, Mistress Lionella from the noble house of Zywan, with her delicate frame and tear-filled eyes, pushed through the mix of youth and elderly, desperate to reach her destination.

The grand chamber was lavishly decorated, a testament to the opulence of the royal family. A spliced table stretched almost the full length of the room, adorned with several great candle holders, their once vibrant flames now extinguished. The room was dim, the only light seeping in through the open windows, casting a soft glow on Lionella's beautiful pink gown. Her hair, styled meticulously, trailed stiffly behind her as she moved with determined urgency.

Lionella's eyes, wide with fear and hope, scanned the room like a hawk searching for prey. Her gaze quickly settled on the bedchamber. Without a second thought, she dropped to her hands and knees, crawling towards the inanimate figure lying on the bed. Her small cherry-red lips quivered, but she uttered no words, the silence of her despair echoing louder than any scream.

One of the guards, his face hidden behind the cold metal of his armor, began to approach her. But before he could take another step, a swift hand stopped him. It was Linone, the commander of the Xiones army. A man of chiseled features, he wore a blue attire—a robe draped over his shoulders, a velvety shirt, pants, and thigh-high navy boots. His expression was stern, yet a flicker of pain and disbelief mirrored in his eyes.

Lionella, now at the bedside, supported herself with the handrails. She took a hesitant peek at the bedsheets covering a seemingly sleeping figure. The sight broke her resolve; she began to blubber, hiding her face behind her trembling hands. Linone, kneeling beside her, rubbed her back gently, sharing in her silent grief.

Inside the chamber, the members of the army stood at attention, awaiting orders from their commander. But Linone remained silent, his lips tightly sealed. The whispering from the prying crowd grew louder, a murmur of concern and speculation. Suddenly, the sound of rushing footsteps jolted Linone from his trance. He glanced at his subordinates, who nodded in understanding. They began to push back the crowd, clearing a path for the approaching footsteps.

Linone gently helped Lionella to her feet and guided her to a couch placed next to the bedchamber. The room was still shrouded in darkness, the details of the furnishings obscured, despite the light filtering in from the hallway. The footsteps halted just behind the crowd of nobles and royals, who fell silent and bowed respectfully. The four figures that had arrived were none other than Emperor Xiones, Empress Xiones, the second princess Sigel, and Prince Simore.

Linone stepped aside, allowing the royal family to approach the bed. The emperor, his hands trembling, grasped the seams of the sheets and slowly unveiled what lay beneath. A collective gasp escaped the crowd, and Lionella, her eyes wide with horror, fell off the couch. Her cries shattered the silence, and the room erupted in renewed chattering.

The empress, overcome with grief, collapsed to her knees beside the bed, wailing the name of her eldest daughter, "Sterlla!" Her cries were a heartbreaking echo in the chamber. Simore, standing nearby, furrowed his brows in disbelief, gripping his clothes tightly. There, on the bed, lay Princess Sterlla's cold, lifeless body. Her white gown, now a stark contrast to her pale skin, was tangled around her limbs like fastened ropes. Her neck was twisted at an unnatural angle, a clear sign of the violent end she had met.

As the family mourned, a figure pushed through the crowd with determined strides. It was Orion, Sterlla's betrothed. His face was pale, his breath ragged as he entered the chamber. His eyes landed on Sterlla's twisted form, and he froze, the cries of her family and Lionella piercing his heart. He stood there, a silent witness to the tragedy that had befallen the Xiones family, his own heart breaking for the woman he had hoped to call his wife.

*Night of the twelfth of June after the coronation ball of princess Sterlla, the very princess was found dead in her own bedchamber*

My Ex Doesn't DieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz