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"By the order of the king of course," With a final bow, Adena, the master of the second palace of the Xiones empire, gracefully exited the lavish room, leaving Sigel alone with her thoughts.


Sigel felt the rush of power surge through her veins, her anger igniting a fire within her that burned with an intensity she had never known. With a snarl of defiance, she rose from her seat, her movements fluid and purposeful as she strode towards Adena with a predatory gleam in her eyes.

"By the order of the king, you say," Sigel repeated, her voice dripping with scorn as she confronted Adena, her every step a calculated display of dominance. There was a dangerous edge to her demeanor, a raw power that crackled in the air around her, as if she were a force of nature unleashed upon the world.

Drawing herself up to her full height, Sigel towered over Adena, her gaze piercing as she locked eyes with the master of the second palace of the Xiones empire. But Adena, undaunted by Sigel's display of bravado, met her gaze with a calm resolve, her expression betraying not the slightest hint of fear.

In that moment, Sigel's rage subsided, replaced by a cold determination that burned like ice in her veins. With a flicker of confidence in her eyes, she unleashed her words like sharp needles, her voice a whip crack in the silence of the room.

"Lady Adena," she declared, her tone commanding and imperious, "I command you to completely devote your life to me. Serve me. Live for me. I am your queen, and catering to me is the only thing you'll do from this day forward."

Adena regarded Sigel with a curious expression, her gaze probing as she weighed the implications of Sigel's words. There was a spark of defiance in Sigel's eyes, a determination to seize control of her own destiny and reshape the world in her image.

And as Adena bowed in acquiescence to Sigel's command, the balance of power shifted within the Xiones palace, the quiet rebellion of a young girl poised to topple the established order of things.

With the sound of the closing doors echoing in the room, Sigel turned her attention to the others, her lady-in-waiting, who stood trembling in the wake of her fury. With a triumphant smirk, Sigel reclaimed her seat, her eyes alight with satisfaction as she surveyed herself in the mirror.

"There are so many things to be changed here," she mused, her voice tinged with determination. "And I shall start with gaining the title."

The news of Adena's demotion reverberated far beyond the borders of the Xiones Empire, reaching even the ears of those outside its grand halls. Serox, the patriarch of the Xiones family, wasted no time in summoning Sigel and Adena for an audience, his expression stern and unwavering as he awaited their arrival.

As Sigel strode through the opulent corridors of the Xiones palace, her path intersected with Adena's, and though her smile was strained with heavy sarcasm, she gestured for Adena to accompany her. Together, they made their way to the grand hall where their fate would be decided.

As they entered the hall, it became apparent that Serox was not the sole arbiter of their future. Seated on either side of the long, white sparkling table were faces both familiar and unexpected. On the right sat Sterlla, Seradole, and Lionella - the latter a surprising addition to the family hearing, her presence raising eyebrows and speculation. On the left sat Simore, Orion, and an unfamiliar figure whose identity eluded Sigel's recognition.

With a sweeping gesture, Serox beckoned Sigel and Adena to take their seats. They complied, settling into the smaller armchairs positioned opposite Serox, a symbolic distance between them and the patriarch who held their fate in his hands.

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