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It's very common for the women of a house to host social events or attend the aforementioned as and when they align. These events strengthen their positioning in the higher class and make them known in the world. It is more of a place to gather important information rather than engage in merry talks.

Sterlla however saw such events differently. These events were just another excuse for her to spend more time with her best sister and termed sister, Lionella Zywan. Regardless of her childlike thoughts she was in no state to attend such a party as of late. Sterlla couldn't even lift a fork without assistance let alone walk.

In the country of Therasus, contrary to the other countries, tea parties are hosted by Queens and Crown Princesses only. A lady who hasn't entered such status is only allowed to attend a tea party. Off course even she can't deny such because rumors spread quicker than fire.

As Sterlla's maids cleared her study desk while the head maid was busy dressing her they stumbled upon a number of unopened envelopes. They hurried over to the royal advisor - Shane.

Shane Xiones (uses the family name and naming system because they are his foster family) Royal advisor of the houseHolder of neon blue light - power of intellectNaturally smart

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Shane Xiones (uses the family name and naming system because they are his foster family)
Royal advisor of the house
Holder of neon blue light - power of intellect
Naturally smart

They knocked on the door to his room hurriedly. Shuffling through the papers on his study desk he looked up at the door. "Come in." He said and in burst the group of maids. They rushed to his table and banged the envelopes on his desk. He blinked at their gestures but his eyes were already set on the envelopes.

"Sir Shane. I am not sure if these are important but these belong to Crown Princess Sterlla. Can you please look through them?" Asked one of them. In the time that the house had paused all proper activities many letters had arrived. Assuming Sterlla and her bright nature she was always out and about in the market so it was obvious for the empire's people to worry where their princess had disappeared to.

Shane gestured the maids to sit on the couch besides his desk. They did so obediently. Being who they were it was always shocking to them as Shane treated them on equal footing much too on his own violation. They liked him for that and were deeply affectionate towards him for his kind gestures.

Shane professionally read through all the letters. Number of letters that were sealed were now off seal yet neatly folded in their envelops. "What does it say Sir Shane?" Asked one of the curious maids.

"All are simply letters to ask Crown Princess Sterlla of her well being." Shane replied. The ladies sighed in relief. "Thank you sir Shane." They said in chorus before leaving the room. Their chaos came to be known to the head maid as well for she was waiting for them outside Sterlla's room. As soon as her eyes laid on the group of her juniors she asked in a panicky tone. "Was it something very important?"

"No madame. Everything is fine." Replied one of them in a smile.


As the afternoon heat rose Sterlla tossed away the sheets covering her tiny body. Her eyes were as always fixed to the open window. Her personal maids were all out on errands or for lunch. Her eyes travelled to the tray on her table that had from one delicacy to another arranged on it but she didn't bother even thinking about eating.

A knock on the door helped her sit up on her bed. "You can come in." She said slowly as if talking to herself. Shane entered the room closing the door behind him carefully. He then stood in front of her quietly waiting for Sterlla speak first. "How many I be of help sir Shane?" He looked up at her. "Crown Princess. A letter has arrived."

"I know. Many had."

"It's different from the rest."

"What does it say?"

"The queen of the castle of Vinford has invited you--"

"To a tea party."

"Yes my princess. What would you like the reply to be?"

"..why didn't you tell so to my maids?"

"They might have stressed over it too much. And I plan on replying to this on your behalf so it's best i talk to you myself."

Sterlla understood Shane's kind gestures immediately. He only didn't want much fuss to be made over something so simple and he knew she had heard about such in a calm manner to not overthink anything. She smiled at him politely. "That so is true. Sir Shane. Will you write the reply exactly as I say?"

"Off course my princess."


Beautiful jewelry and hair accessories. A delicate blue shimmering gown and shining elegant nail polish. Hair tied in a graceful bun and lips decorated with a glimmering pink gloss, Sterlla looked no short of god's best creation. Eyes were always on her yet this time they were a tad bit more amused. She climbed down the stairs with the help of her maids with lifting her ten told size of a gown.

Simore nodded at the sight of her sister. "Beautiful as always. Ah my dear sister is an angel in disguise." He said to himself holding back his blush. Sigel smiled too but hrt head was filled with villainous arguments about Sterlla.


Year 374...
Vinford Castle...

Sterlla became the centre of talk while Sigel stuck close to Simore. Lionella jogged towards Sterlla playfully. "You seem well Ster."

"Off course I am." Sterlla replied in a mischievous eyebrow raise. Lionella brust laughing at her jest. They then walked each other to the food table. Clinking glasses Lionella drank from the same in a single gulp. She looked at Sterlla then who had a doubtful look on her face.

Sterlla was now completely off trust when it came to tea. Hearing what had happened to her she refused to drink tea at home. But if she were to make a fuss now the Vinford name might tarnish and the relationship between Xiones and Vinford will fall.

She sighed to herself smiling at Lionella as she brought the glass closer to her lips. At this moment a hand snatched the glass away from her. She looked up at the figure next to her.

"You sure you can take this." Linone asked her.

"Why are you..hah...you are right. I can't. I can't drink that."

"Brother!" Lionella whispered in a yell. Linone shrugged at Lionella placing the glass on the table close to them. "No Lionella. He is right. I can't bring myself to drink tea...anymore. I am much to sceptical of it now I believe."


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