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"She... she is alive?" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. The realization washed over him like a tidal wave, filling him with a dizzying mix of disbelief and hope.


In the dimly lit chamber, Sigel's gentle touch on Simore's shoulders sought to ground him amidst the whirlwind of emotions that engulfed him. "The departure of our sister is indeed unfortunate, my dear brother," she began, her voice soft yet as if carrying the weight of his grief. "Yet, there is nothing we can do now. Please, try to align with reality and let our dear sister rest."

Simore's response was abrupt, his voice laced with a sudden urgency that startled Sigel. "Sigel!" he yelled, his hands trembling as he forcefully pulled hers away from his shoulders. His eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and confusion, his mind struggling to make sense of what he believed he had just witnessed.

Sigel met his gaze, her own expression a mix of concern and curiosity as she tried to comprehend the turmoil within her brother's being. Her lips curled up in a subtle smirk, a hint of satisfaction dancing in her eyes, though Simore's turmoil prevented him from noticing the subtle shift in her demeanor.

Simore's mind raced, his thoughts a chaotic whirlwind as he attempted to rationalize what he had just experienced. Was it a trick of the light, a mere hallucination brought on by the weight of his grief and the swirling thoughts in his mind? He desperately tried to dismiss the image of Sterlla's hands moving, attributing it to the dizzying confusion that clouded his senses.

His words cut through his own turmoil, his voice steady and resolute as he pleaded with her to trust him. "Trust me, Sigel," he implored, his voice tinged with a newfound conviction. "Dear sister Sterlla's hands just moved. I swear upon all that exists, I saw it move."

The air in the chamber seemed to crackle with tension as Sigel and Simore stood locked in a silent exchange, their gazes locked in a silent battle between disbelief and the possibility of something beyond comprehension. In that fleeting moment, the boundaries between reality and illusion blurred, leaving them both teetering on the precipice of a truth they were not yet ready to face.

As the weight of Simore and Orion's pleas hung heavy in the air, the decision was made to call upon the physician. With a heavy sigh, the physician reluctantly entered the chamber, his expression a mask of professional detachment masking the empathy he felt for the grieving boys before him. Despite his years of experience, he knew that nothing could fully prepare him for the task that lay ahead.

The room fell silent as the physician approached Sterlla's still form, the somber atmosphere thick with anticipation and uncertainty. With practiced precision, he placed his fingers upon the girl's hands, his touch gentle yet firm as he sought to discern any signs of life within her motionless form.

A hushed murmur rippled through the room as the physician's expression shifted, confusion flickering across his features like a fleeting shadow. The gathered crowd exchanged bewildered glances, their eyes reflecting the uncertainty that hung heavy in the air.

"Doctor? What's going on?" The Emperor's voice cut through the silence, his tone laced with worry and apprehension. "Do you hear us?"

The physician hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed upon Sterlla's seemingly lifeless form. Then, with a breathless whisper that seemed to echo throughout the chamber, he uttered words that sent shockwaves rippling through the room.

"Sh-she is breathing..."

A collective gasp rose from the assembled crowd, their voices a chorus of disbelief and astonishment as they struggled to comprehend the miraculous turn of events unfolding before their very eyes. In that moment, the boundaries between life and death blurred, leaving them all grappling with a reality that defied explanation and challenged their deepest beliefs.

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