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"Please. Someone. Anyone. Help me. I do not wish to leave being a part of the demon army just yet..."


As time ticked away, Adena's heart pounded with a mixture of anxiety and frustration. She knew her own capabilities better than anyone else in the audience, and she had hoped that at least one person would speak up in her defense. Yet as the moments stretched on in agonizing silence, her prayers went unanswered, leaving her feeling increasingly isolated and alone.

Inwardly cursing the pact that bound her tongue and prevented her from defending herself, Adena's despair threatened to overwhelm her. Just as Emperor Serox seemed poised to seal the fate of the final hearing, a voice pierced the stillness of the room, drawing curious gazes from all present.

The crown Princess, Sterlla Xiones, rose from her seat with a determined air, making her way towards Adena. Serox nodded in acknowledgment of her request to speak, his expression betraying no hint of surprise or hesitation.

As Sterlla approached Adena, her hands reached out to grasp Adena's shoulders with affection, pulling her into a tight embrace. Adena's eyes welled up with emotion as she felt the warmth of Sterlla's embrace, a rare moment of solace amidst the chaos of the hearing. She held back her tears, clinging to Sterlla's comforting presence as if it were a lifeline in the storm.

With gentle reassurance, Sterlla continued to pat Adena's back, whispering words of comfort in her ear. "It's going to be okay," she murmured softly, her voice a soothing balm to Adena's troubled soul. In response, Adena tightened her grip on Sterlla's dress, seeking solace in the warmth of their connection.

Watching the tender exchange between Sterlla and Adena, the rest of the audience couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for Adena's plight. Even Linone, known for his stoicism, couldn't suppress a slight snicker at the unexpected turn of events. Orion too grinned lightly in amusement, his eyes alight with intrigue.

Yet amidst the shifting currents of emotion, Sigel remained a silent observer, her gaze fixed intently on the unfolding scene before her. Though she harbored a deep-seated desire to see Adena brought low, the palpable atmosphere of support for Adena left her feeling unsettled, a rare moment of vulnerability in her carefully crafted facade.

As Sterlla released Adena from her embrace and wiped away her tears, she spoke with a firmness that belied her youth. "The proud figures of the demon army shouldn't be shedding tears like this, silly," she chided gently, her voice carrying a note of determination.

Adena's response was a quiet admission of defeat. "All I can do is cry now, my Princess," she murmured, her voice laden with resignation.

But Sterlla refused to let Adena succumb to despair. "No, Lady Adena," she insisted, her tone unwavering. "A girl can cry, but this is not the moment for the same." With a swift turn, Sterlla faced the audience, her demeanor commanding attention as she prepared to challenge the emperor's decree. "Father. I oppose your order."

With a sense of anticipation rippling through the room, Sigel's composure wavered ever so slightly. Though she remained outwardly composed, inwardly, she grappled with the realization that the tide of support had shifted against her, leaving her vulnerable in the face of Sterlla's unexpected defiance.

As the tension in the room reached a fever pitch, Serox rose from his chair, his gaze fixed intently on his daughter, Sterlla. "Pray tell, my sweet daughter Sterlla, the reason for your disagreement," he prompted, his tone measured yet attentive.

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