Chapter 3 (2/2)

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Edward View

Angelique was so vulnerable right now that her shield is down. I can read every thought at the moment. We can all hear her crying and Jasper was getting upset in a sadder way feeling it. Alice was trying to calm Jasper. Rosalie looked like she wanted to murder someone, while Emmett was trying to calm her down. Esme felt horrible and Carlisle was comforting her. That is something I should be doing with my mate now, but I don't know if she wants that. I was a terrible person.

I went upstairs anyways. I needed to comfort my mate and I didn't care if my actions have consequences right now. I went to try to open the door, but it was locked. I knocked, "Angelique?" I called. "G-go away E-Edward..."she managed to get out in between sobs. "You and I know I can't do that anymore." I spoke

Angelique View

Edward was right. I needed to finally let him in. I was so scared too though. Another knock, "Angelique?" Edward called again. "P-please leave me alone..." I got out.

I then heard what sounded like my lock being picked. I quit crying then trying to figure out what was going on. I worked on calming down, with some tears still rolling down my cheeks.

The door opened and it revealed Edward with a look of concern, a bobby pin in hand. I was so confused... "Don't ask why I know how to do that." he said. That got me to let out a chuckle and I saw that look of concern turn into a small smile. 

"Can I please come in?" he begged

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Can I please come in?" he begged. I finally nod and he came into the room, pocketing the bobby pin.

Once Edward was in the room, he noticed my boots thrown near the door. He picked them up and set them next to each other instead of how they were thrown. He came over and sat with me on my bed, "You know I don't see you like that right? You aren't what has been said." he said.

I held the pillow I cried into in my lap, looking into those topaz eyes of the man who is my future vampire mate, "I shouldn't let it get to me, but it was so hard." I spoke. "You can be vulnerable you know. It doesn't make you weak." he said. "I know." I said.

Edward took one of my hands in his cold one, " I am willing to go at your pace in regard to our bond." he said. " Is this what's best?" I asked. A gentle squeeze from his hand to mine, "I waited so long for you. I made the biggest mistake by bringing my blood singer into this world, thinking she is my mate. You're my true mate Angelique. I want to make everything up to you for my actions." he said. "That is exactly it Edward. Would you have went on with Isabella if you didn't find me?" I asked. He didn't answer and I removed my hand from his, "You need to leave." I said getting up, setting the pillow on the mattress.

Before Edward could say anything back Jasper came into the room. Although I noticed this wasn't Jasper. His eyes were dark and he looked about ready to behead someone. Edward must've heard his thoughts because he quickly sped out of the room.

I looked over at the remaining vampire, "Er... you aren't Jasper are you?" I asked. "You're right mam'. Name's Major. I'm like an alter ego of sorts. He doesn't let me out much." he answered. "Well Major, I am Angelique Volturi. I am the Princess of The Volturi. The adopted daughter of King Aro and Queen Sulpicia Volturi." I said extending a hand out in an introduction. He shook it briefly and then crossed his arms.

"May I ask what brought you out now?" I asked going over to the desk in my room. I moved away the files I got on my birth family to the side so I could start the homework. "There is something about you princess." the major spoke. I raised my eyebrows at him, "I've been watchin' my mate recently and she's keepin' somethin' from me." he answered. "You think I would know then?" I asked getting out my textbooks.

I heard the major come into my room and over to me, "You hardly know her." he said. I looked up from my chair, "True." I state. I saw his eyes go to the pile of the files I had. He picked up the top one and opened it, "I've been trying to look into my birth family. I did a DNA test last year and got the results back last month. I managed to find what I could and realized that most of them are dead." I explained now getting a start on the course work given. "That one is the only one I can't find anything on." I said pointing with my pencil.

"I know who this is." Jasper spoke now normally after a few minutes. I dropped my pencil onto my notebook, "What?" I asked in surprise. "Us as a coven only found out more recently about all of this." he answered. "Wait..." I said trying to process what he was saying. "Alice." he called out normally.

The pixie vampire sped to Jaspers side then and he turned his head to look at her, "Is this what you found out in a vision once you came back from Italy?" he questioned. I was so confused. He handed Alice the file he had and she looked through it.

Alices golden eyes widened, "There is no way...." she said. She looked at me, "Do you have any other information?" she asked. I handed her another file, "This is something of mine. I did a DNA test last year and got the results just last month." I explained to her. She set the file she had down and took the one I offered. I watched as the future seer looked through what I gave her.

Less then a minute later she dropped the file on the floor. " I thought it was just messing with me..." she whispered. Jasper held her in his arms then as I saw a look of realization cross her face. She looked at me, "Now that I'm slowly remembering..."

I got up and went over to the two mates with one more file. If my guess is correct I couldn't be more happier. I opened it and held out the last thing, "I couldn't hardly find any information on this one person..." I said. Alice took it and looked, "Its me." she said.

"You're my great aunt Mary Alice?" I asked making sure this was the truth. "My birth name... I forgot it once I was turned after being in that asylum...." she confessed. "How did you start to remember then?" I asked.

Both Jasper and Alice sat on the end of my bed. Alice still had the paper in hand with my little research I had on her. "When Bella first found out about us, there was a baseball game we had." Alice started. I moved to the desk and sat down, "Some nomads were in our territory at the time, and they heard us playing. There were three of them. One was a tracker and Bellas scent sent us on a chase to protect her." She continued, "The tracker had some information on hand. Turns out he was after me as a human. I saw him before I was ever turned and asked a grounds man at the time to help me." "The tracker had information on me and Carlisle managed to track it down." she finished.

I grabbed another file from the stack, "My two sisters were still alive when Jasper and I joined the Cullens from what I read." Alice spoke. "My grandmother died about ten years ago. Her daughter, my birthmother, abandoned me in Voltera because she got addicted to drugs and alcohol." I said recalling what I could remember somewhat. "I was about a year old at the time Felix found me. He brought me to Aro,  and boy did I cry. He was scary at the time." I said. "His wife, the queen, was called down though and I easily calmed down in her presence. Turns out I had a parental bond with both Aro and Sulpicia. Felix is my soul brother because he felt the need to bring me there for some reason." I finished explaining.

Alice stood up then and gathered up the file she dropped along with what I gave her a little bit ago. She set it on the stack on my desk. I handed her what I found out on both her sisters, "You can keep any of this if you want." I said hoping she would want to know. She took it but set it down in front of her.

I looked at my now great aunt and saw she had venom tears in her golden eyes. I quickly got up and went over to hug her. 

A.N.: I know Alice only has one sister canonically, but in this she has two.

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