Chapter 7

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Angelique View

It was now the day before the newborn army battle. The plan was to have the humans on a campsite on a mountain. Angela and I would be in a tent with Felix and Edward. I was surprised that The Cullens even owned camping equipment. Then again, they go "hiking and camping" a lot.

The Volturi Kings would be on the battlefield with The Olympic Coven. Jane and Alec would be with them. Demetri would be joining us on the mountain and him and Feilx would run a parimiter check with Seth- wolf. The pack wanted Seth with us due to lack of experience and him being so young.

There was a test done about a day ago to see if mine and Angelas scents could be covered with "wolf stench" to block any vampire from finding us. I was carried by Leah and Angela was carried by the hothead Paul Lahote. Now Paul has an imprint, Rachel Black, one of Jacobs twin older sisters. Paul it turns out, hates Jacob as much as the vampires. I guess he is trying to control his anger more recently due to the imprinting from what I heard from Leah.

When Angela and I were brought back after the experiment there was success. No scent of either of us confirmed by Jasper and Demetri couldn't track our tenors.

Now in the present Angela and I made it to the campsite with the 2 wolves Demitri approached, "Isabellas scent has been detected about 3 miles out. According to Felix." he spoke. " So she's not coming with the army then. Be warry, the red head has a gift. Self-preservation." Edward said.

"Sam says her scent has also been on our territory as well." Paul piped in. I looked at the wolf, "Jacobs been pissed that Isabella turned and has been so out of control about it that the tribal council had to step in. Once this issue has been taken care off, hes been banned from the leech side. No more of him intimidating any of you. Blames you all." he explained. "Will he listen though? Isn't he supposed to be the rightful Alpha?" I questioned remembering the stories both Leah and Seth have told me. "Oh he challenged Sam once that decision was made. Due to how unstable Jacob is, he lost. Sam was able to overpower him immensely." Paul answered.

"I'm surprised you're even mentioning any of this around us." Edward spoke as I went to his side. Paul looked at Felix, Edward, Angela, and I, as I saw Leah fall behind him as Paul was third command in the pack, "There's been talks of an permanent alliance. Voiding the treaty in the process." he said. "Wait what?" Edward questioned in surprise. "It's not like you cold ones have harmed a human in any way. There was only one instant where one of you almost crossed over." he said.

The next day was the day. It was cold overnight and there was snow. Leah stayed with me and Seth came to stay with Angela to keep us warm. When her and I exited the tent Edward and Felix were looking around the area. I saw Seth-wolf down the mountain a little sweeping the area. When Edward finally spoke that it begun Angela gripped onto my hand.

About five minutes later Edward told Seth to hide. "She realized that we were not there. She isn't alone either." Edward spoke. I then saw the red head come with the boy from the missing persons fliers, Riley Biers emerge from the woods.

I noticed Victoria freeze at the sight of Felix, "She never said anything about The Volturi..." I heard her whisper to herself. "Victoria, you are guilty of creating a newborn army in hopes to kill The Volturis princess and a mate of The Elite Guard. Riley Biers you are guilty for being an accessory. This judgement comes from The Kings. You will die today." Felix spoke formally. "They killed first." Victoria accused. "I did. He was a threat." Edward spoke up.

Victoria was trying so hard to not crack her vengeful exterior. Edward then tried to convince Riley that Victoria is just using him. He wasn't her mate. She tried to manipulate him in return and I kind of felt bad.

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