Chapter 5

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Angelique View

Today was graduation day. It would be my first of possibly many of that.

There was something looming though. Victoria has started creating a newborn army based out in Seattle. I was not allowed to go anywhere near there. I started wearing my Volturi crest more frequently, should she ever run into me.

Lately this red-haired vampire has been sending both The Cullens and the wolf shifters on a wild goose chase. Running between both lands. Whenever the Cullens left to go chase, Felix would be staying here to guard me, much like at the castle.

However, Isabella found out what was going on and played the "they're after me" card and now the coven and the pack were working a protection order. Edward refused to go to her no matter how much she begged and pleaded. I took notice though of one of the wolf shifters would practically jump off a bridge, should the bitch ask.

I met the wolf shifters, and they offered me protection as well due to me being human still. I had to stop Felix from wanting to murder them all. The pack Alpha, Sam, explained how they aren't children of the moon.

There were two wolves I grew close with after the meeting. Seth and Leah Clearwater. 

Seth saw me like another sister

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Seth saw me like another sister. Leah and I understood each other in regards to seeing one we wanted in love with another. She was jealous though at how I was able to get my happy ending, but I took the time to explain to her that she would find her one and get it as well. It was hard for her being the only female shifter.

I was waiting for Edward in the gymnasium with Alice and Jasper at my side. I watched as Isabella was begging to Edward to take a picture with her. From what I've heard, she has been telling her mother that they were still together. Edward was trying so hard to get away from the desperate girl.

Angela joined us, "This is getting pathetic to watch." she said. I turned my head to her, "She's desperate. You know why now thanks to Felix." I said. Within the past week or so, Angela was brought into the world of the supernatural. Felix was given permission to tell her the truth. She was so lost at first, but then understood now making connections as to why The Cullens were always so different and closed off.

Felix was actually here sitting with Carlisle and Esme in the crowd. The number of times I saw Jessica Stanley try to hit on him was so hilarious. He would pick Angela up from school and she would try to constantly hit on him. However, once he saw Angela, he full on blew Jessica off.

"What's more pathetic, Isabella trying to get with my now boyfriend and actually lying to her mother saying they were still together, or Jessica trying so hard to get with Felix?" I asked my soul sister. Angela laughed, "Both." she answered. "You both have nothing to worry about." Alice spoke.

Edward finally made it over to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I caught Isabella getting angry and I smirked in her direction. She was no longer allowed to turn per order of The Volturi and she has been so pissed since too. She will find a way though from what Alice has seen.

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