Chapter 8

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Day two of Angeliques transition it really hit me more that she was dead. The threats were gone, but she still paid for it.

Alice was so quiet and her thoughts were as well. She was emotionless according to Jasper. It was almost like her humanity was gone for the time being. Aro was quiet and not himself either. I know he called his wife earlier today to inform her about Angelique.

Felix was either with Angela or outside punching trees. Him and I felt guilty for not getting to Angelique earlier. Angela was upsest because she couldn't see her after she awakes. We needed to see how Angelique would do during her first hunt.

I went into the room Angelique was in and saw she was now changed into a swing dress that was black with a red bow on her waist, her Volturi crest present around her neck, and bare feet. 

When Rosalie and Alice cleaned the blood off of her yesterday, she had so many wounds and bruising

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When Rosalie and Alice cleaned the blood off of her yesterday, she had so many wounds and bruising. I did see those scars from her werewolf attack as well amongst them.

I tried to see if I could get a read on my mates thoughts and I could hear screaming in her head. I went over to the bed she laid on and pressed a kiss to her forehead, "I know it hurts. It is almost done..." I said, knowing she probably didn't hear me. "Soon we can be together." I said. Those screams then slowly stopped occurring.

The door opened to the room and I turned my head to see it was Aro. He came into the room and shut the door, "How is she?" he questioned. "She was still screaming inside. I know she probably didn't hear me, but I tried to reassure her." I answered.

The raven-haired king approached his daughter and he hesitated taking her hand due to his gift. "I can still hear her somewhat." I said trying to ease the hesitation. He sighed, "The rest of the coven back home is just as heartbroken as the rest of us are. My wife is in hysterics. I told her I would come back, but she told me to stay with our daughter." he says. "Do you expect her to return to Voltera?" I asked. He looked at me, "She will forever be the princess. Both you and her are welcome to visit whenever. Should any of the human receptionist give you any issue, Angelique knows what to do. I may extend that to your coven as well. You are all now family." he answered.

"We won't take her crest away if that is what you're worried about." I said. "Carlisle has shown me what hers will look like for this coven. I was thinking of taking hers back and modifying it into another piece of jewelry." Aro spoke. "You and I know she may not part with hers." I said. "If I explain it to her after she has her first hunt carefully she will hopefully understand." he said.

Later on that day I finally left the room my mate was in. I saw Alice pass by me on my way to the living room, but she stopped us both. I looked at my "sister", "She maybe waking sometime tonight instead of tomorrow. I had a vision earlier, but it was a little fuzzy. It kept changing between tonight and tomorrow. I already informed the others." she said. "What are you hoping for?" I asked. "Honestly Edward, I don't really care as long as she wakes. She is all I have left of my life before this." she answered. "She will Alice. I haven't felt anything change in the bond." I said.

Alice was still worried so I decided to joke a bit, "So should I start to call you Aunt or Auntie Alice?" I asked. She finally cracked a smile for the first time in the past 24 hours and let out a laugh. She smacked my arm, "No. You are family no matter what anyways." she said. She then left me to go see her niece.

I went into the living room and saw Marcus and Caius talking with Aro about Angeliques Volturi crest modification he mentioned earlier. Esme must have handed over a sketch book because they all sat as Caius drew up some designs from what I noticed. Carlisle was gone trying to get a story across as to Bellas disappearance for Charlies sake. Rosalie was in the garage working on repairs to Emmetts jeep, Emmett was reading the papers to see if anyone reported all the smoke from us burning the body parts from the army, Riley, Victoria, and Bella. Felix was visiting Angela and the rest of the guard were out on a hunt away from the area. Esme was drawing up designs for a new house for the future. Jasper was reading an old war book.

I went over to Esme and sat with her. She set her sketch pad and pencils down on the coffee table and looked at me, " Are you feeling alright?" she asked. "I still feel guilty for all of this. I majorly screwed up and now my mate is in a room in transition. She died Esme." I answered. "Its's affecting you more now because all those threats to us and her are gone. You feel like you could have prevented everything." she states.

"Yes, you made a major mistake." Caius piped up from where he sat. I turned my attention to the blonde king, who now looked up from the sketch pad in his lap. "I called you out on it that day you asked for death." he said. "I remember." I said. "But during these past several days we have been here, you proved to me that you are willing to make amends. We do not offer second chances, but you took this as one anyway. I may not like you as her mate Edward Cullen, but you have made my niece smile so much the past several days." he says. This was weird coming from him because of how his anger issues are.

"Caius, are you feeling alright brother?" Aro questioned. Caius turned his head to his "brother", "What you just said now is so unlike you." he said. "Angelique became my soft spot." he answered. "So you have gone soft then?" Aro teased. Caius rolled his eyes and returned his attention back to the sketch book.

"He has. I feel the fuzzy feelin's." Jasper spoke not even looking up from his book. Caius threw a throw pillow from the chair he sat on at Jaspers head. I heard Marcus and Aro laugh and Esme and I tried to not laugh at the scene.

It was odd seeing the Kings acting like this. Was this how they really are? I never asked Angelique.

About a half an hour later Carlisle came home. Behind him was Elezar from the Denali coven along with the rest, minus Irina.

I knew he was contacted to see about Angeliques gift but was given like zero information

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I knew he was contacted to see about Angeliques gift but was given like zero information.

"Why do I hear a faint heartbeat?" Kate asked. "Edwards true mate is in transition after the newborn battle yesterday." Carlisle answered the blonde. "We would have come to help, but Irina was being a nuisance about not us not helping since you wouldn't allow her to go after the mutts across the river. She was all distressed about that Laurant, but he was never her mate. She was so convinced he was." Tanya said.

Elezar was talking with The Kings and Carlisle when the two blondes looked at me, "So you finally found her then?" Tanya asked. "In a most unfortunate situation at the time." I answered. "Can we see her?" Kate asked. "They can come. Carmen can come too." came Alices voice from the room Angeliques in.

I lead the three Denali women to the room my mate was in and stopped them outside the door, "Before we go in. I need you to know to not freak out if you notice something. You get angry in any way shape or form Alice will throw you out. She is her blood great niece. Alice has been very protective the past 24 hours." I warned. The three exchanged looks and gave me a nod. I knocked on the door, "Come in guys." Alice spoke from the other side of the door.

I opened the door and lead the three inside. Their attention went to Angelique and immediately their eyes widened, "The principessa." Carmen spoke. "You've met her before?" I asked. "We met her when she was thirteen. She was curious about our eyes and we took the time to explain the animal diet." Kate answered. "She's my true mate. As for how we met that's a long story." I said. 

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