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I step on the rocky path while my black and gold suitcase follows behind me. I look around at the campus I'm going to be staying at for the next 3 years. I see a big sign that says 'Reception.' so I just follow that. I watch as the automatic doors open suddenly. Cool!
"Uhm.. Hello! My name's Alexander Hamilton. I should be studying law and politics?"
She taps away at her computer and immediately smiles.
"Yes! Here are your keys!" She hands me a keychain with the number 098. "You should meet up with the tour volunteer. Her name is... Let me think... I think it's Peggy Schuyler!" I smile and she points over at a girl with a yellow hoodie and baggy pants on. She had her bouncy hair tied up in a high ponytail, pressing extremely fast on her phone. I wave goodbye at the receptionist and stumble over to the girl.
"Hello? Are you Peggy?" She turns around and realizes it's me and puts away her phone.
"Oh em gee! I'm so sorry! How are you, Alex..? Is it?" I nod and she grabs my hands.
"Yeah, My name's Peggy Schuyler and I have two sisters, Angelica and Eliza. They're both incredibly kind. Anyways what's your number?
"Uhm... What?" She laughs and points to the key in my hand.
"OH." We start laughing and I show her the number. Pulling me towards a large building, she swings through the doors.
"That's Angelica and Eliza's room. They decided to go together but I didn't really care who I got with. It's two per room anyway." She points to a room with a load (and I mean A LOAD.) of stickers. Hearts, stars and all sorts.
"That's Lafayette and Hercules's room. Oh! And I forgot to mention that we got to pick if we had a person we wanted to share with or random. They picked. And since you joined late you can't pick, BUT! Your roomie is a sweetheart!" Her smile glows brightly. She continues to drag me through the halls.
"That's me and Maria's room. And next to that is Thomas and James.. James isn't bad when you have some quiet time with him but Thomas is an actual Dickhead." I slightly laugh at her comment and she STILL pulls me  to the room.
"Here we are!" She lightly knocks on the door with turtle stickers around the number. "John!? You there?" She yells through the crack of the door. I hear a grunt and the squeak of a chair. The heavy footsteps echo the halls as he opens the door.
"Peggy? It's 8 in the morn- OH!" He Widens his eyes and opens the door for me to wheel my suitcase through. He sits on his bed and flattens his curly hair down.
"So? What's your name? I never actually got told by the uni." I look back at him in shock and walk closer to him.
"I'm Alexander Hamilton. You are?" He smiles and puts out his hand.
"John Laurens. Glad you're not like Thomas. He treated all of us like shit on his first day. What are you taking?" I shake his hand and he pulls me down to his bed. I sit down and look at him intensely. Observing the freckles flooding his face.
"I'm taking law, and by the amount of art supplies around your room I'm guessing you're taking art?" He laughs and nods. We just talk about each other's interests.
"So where does your family come from?" My heart drops and I feel my hands fidget.
"Shit! I'm so sorry if you don't feel comfortable about telling me!" He looks down and puts him hands over his face. I assure him that it's okay and it's not his fault. He the suddenly gets up and hands me a laptop.
"Huh? For me!?" I say confused.

"It's from the school, I'm not that rich haha!" He repeats and I laugh with him. I slowly open the laptop and it was brand new.
"They usually take the laptops from the students leaving on the last day and give them to the first years. But since there's way more people than before they bought some extra ones." I enter my name and create a password and write it down on my notebook I pulled from my suitcase. I could sense that John was staring at me but I do look rough. I'm in a black hoodie with a gold star on the front and baggy washed jeans. I log into everything and close the laptop, placing it in the draw on my bedside table.
"You must really like turtles," I announce, pointing at his turtle drawings and then at his turtle plushie. He looks up and his face turns immensely red.
"I- I- guess so... They're just really cute.. sad you can't have pets in these dorms." I laugh slightly and look at the clock.
"What the hell does that say?" I point to the clock and he laughs slightly.
"Can you only read digital clocks? Because if you can't, here." He hands me a small alarm clock which says the time digitally. "I hate how difficult it is to work so you can have it, maybe you can figure it out." He shrugs and pulls out his phone. He scrolls ever so lightly.
"SHIT." he yells as he gets a notification. He gets up and swings a jacket around his body.
"You coming? They would love to meet you!" He holds out his hand and I take it hesitantly. He pulls me out of the dorm faster then Peggy ever did and leads me to the uni's coffee shop. There's a muscular man with a head band and a man with curly hair tied up in a ponytail with facial hair
"John! Vous êtes venus!" The taller one said with a French accent. Did not expect that.
"What did he say..?" I whisper to John. He giggles slightly and responds,
"No idea." We approach the table and I sit down in a seat next to John.
"Hey man, how are ya?" The man with a headband asks.
"I'm great, you?" He smiles and says yes.
"Oui Oui, let's introduce ourselves! Les gens m’appellent Lafayette et c’est Hercules." I'm guessing the French one is Lafayette and the muscular one is Hercules. I hope...
"I'm Alexander Hamilton, but call me Alex."
John orders us all drinks and when they arrive they all start talking about university. I quietly sip on my diet coke as they chatter endlessly.
"Alex! Say something about yourself!" John exclaims. I tense up but take a breath.
"I grew up in the Caribbean."

"Buvez-vous?" Lafayette asks. Uhm.. what?
"He's asking if you drink alcohol, Alex" I nod and we get up and walk off campus. I spot the lights of the bar and we swing the doors open.
"4 Shots on the house!" John exclaims at the bartender. He walks over with 4 shots and we all drink them without hesitation.

I lift my head up and look around. I check my digital watch and it says 11:17. Shit! Campus closes at half 11. I tap them all on the shoulders and they all freak out. We stumble out of the bar and make our way slowly to our dorm building. Laf and herc go into their dorms while me and John have our arms wrapped around each other.
"Dude is that... A wall? Or more hallway?"
"A wall dumbass. HAHA" we laugh as he unlocks our door. We stumble in and I collapse on my bed.
"Have I told you that you're extremely hot already?" He mutters and I look up in shock. I feel my face heat up but that might be because the 7 shots of vodka I just had. Jesus.. he cups his hand on his mouth and apologized deeply.
"God just shut up..." I whisper and I think he heard it. I walk up to him and get extremely close.
"My head is spinning okay? So please stop talking. I would rather kiss you then have a conversation right now." I realized what I just said and he took a step back. His green eyes glistened in the night. I leaned in. Expecting his soft lips on mine. But I felt something in my stomach. Then my throat. Then my mouth. WAIT.
"IM GONNA THROW UP-" I run to the bathroom and yk what happened.
"Shit are you okay?!" He grabs my hair and pulls it up. I groan and sit next to the toilet. Gross.
"I'm fucking tired dude... Like I mean I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep whenever.."  he grabs me and places me on my bed. We stumbled on the way there but we did it.
"Ughhh..." I roll over and see John flick the lights and collapse on his bed. He grabs his turtle plushie and hugs it tightly. I drift off.

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