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{5 days later.}


I slump over my desk and tap the side of my laptop with my fingernail. The tapping noise tries to help me focus but I can't. I'm trying to write an essay for Mr Washington but it's hard to impress him. The required amount of words was.. 500 and I've written... 4000... Not enough. The door opens behind me and I look back, confused. John's holding about 3 bags of what looks like clothes and snacks. I turn back to my laptop and continue to write.

'The rule 57 of the law is when'

My laptop shuts and I look around frantically to see John's hands on the lid.
"What?! Why did you do-"
"You're only supposed to write 500 words you know." I look down at the closed laptop and sigh.
"I know.." I mutter as I get up to search through the bags. He looks up at the ceiling and smiles randomly but I don't question it. He then walks over to the now empty seat and sits down gently. He grabs a notebook and picks up a red pen. I can't see what he's writing but I don't want to be nosey so I ignore it. He soon folds up the paper and places it in an envelope with a heart.
"Oooo who's that for..? Some lucky guy?" I taunt but he immediately gets defensive.
"NO ONE!" His face goes red and he presses the letter to his chest. He gets up and stumbles out of the room in a fluster. What was that about? Eh, doesn't matter. I grab out a chocolate bar which I asked for and place it on my side table. I don't bother continuing my essay and just lay on my bed. I stare at the musical poster on my ceiling and reach my arm out. I feel a slight vibrate in my pocket and I pull my phone out.

Eliza : Hey, do you wanna hang out maybe? I need to practice my art project. Maybe you could help?

Alex : Ofc! Anything to help you out. Meet at the park around.. 2?

Eliza : YASS! Meet you there!

I put my phone down and grab my tote bag to stuff some random shit in it. I grab my laptop, chocolate bar, fanta and my keys. I snatch the scarf off of my handle on the bathroom door and wrap it around my neck. I rush out the door because I need to get to the park in 20 minutes. I speedwalk down the hall and swing open the doors to exit. I continue walking but stop. I hear a sound. HOLD ON. IS THAT A KISSING SOUND?! I track the sound and have a feeling it's behind that suspicious brick wall. I peek my head around and see some poofy magenta tipped hair. IS THAT PEGGY? WHO IS SHE KISSING? She moves her body so she's against the wall. I finally see who's there and I see a red summer dress. She has long, dark, curly hair and it's down. Who is that? I've never seen this girl.. maybe I'll ask Peggy later. I Scooch over to the side of the wall they can't see and slowly inch closer to the path of the park. I start walking down the straight path and watch as the birds flutter in the warm afternoon air. Leaves dance around the calm winds as I pass them gently. I get to the middle of the park and that where the market goes on every Friday. It's Thursday so one more day until I can pass by the various and unique stalls. There's a massive fountain in the middle but it's no fancy one. Benches and trashbins cover the park like crazy. I stand on my tiptoes trying to spot Eliza. I turn my body around and see a blue puffy summer dress and a jean jacket. She's also wearing converse so that's a 10/10 outfit if I say so myself. I start jogging over to her, waving intensely. She gets up and hugs me tightly as I sit down next to her.
"Hey!! How are you?" She asks.
"Amazing! You?" She giggles.
"Very good. Now do you wanna see my sketches? Just pick the one which you think will have the best outcome." She explains and she passes me the book. It feels heavy on my knees but I ignore it. I run my finger over the graphite and stare at the designs. The first one is a girl in a red dress and fishnets dancing. The second her sisters Angelica and Peggy smiling. And the last one is of me. Me.. ME? I look back at her and smiled greatly.
"These are amazing! I personally like-" I ramble on and on about the first one, saying it's quite unique and gives a courageous vibe off. She takes my compliments and basically just draws them. It's like my thoughts are just squished and spread out on a canvas. It's crazy. Her and John are amazing artists. I watch her as she sketches the dancing girl. I keep pointing things out that I like and this goes on for hours.
"Oh shit it's getting dark out." I say, standing up slowly. She also stands up and stuffs the sketchbook into her bag. I bend down and pick up the mostly eaten chocolate bar. It's one of them massive ones. Which I love. Me and Eliza shared it as I watched and she drew. She didn't bring her pens or pencils out so she couldn't color anything but it was still amazing.  We walk to the dorms together and when I got to her room she kissed me on the cheek. I slightly graze my hand over where she kissed on my face and smiled. My new target is finding out who Peggy was making out with. I slowly approach her door and knock on it. A girl answers it and I widen my eyes right away.
"Hey! You're Alex, right? Peggy has said a lot about you." She was the same girl Peggy was making out with. And this means the same girl is her roomie.. and I recall her saying,

"That's me and Maria's room."

She was kissing Maria! I should've known it. She talked about her all the time but I never really met her in real life.
"Yeah... I'm Alexander Hamilton.." I say vaguely as she sits on her bed.
"Pegs!! Alex is here!!" She yells and Peggy runs out of the bathroom with a charcoal facemask on her and she runs over to me and stares me in the eyes.
"Well, I heard you went out with Eliza today..." She mutters and I nod because to be honest, I'm kinda scared of her right now. She looks a bit devilish...
"Okay, just wondering!" She removes her hands from my face and sits down next to Maria.
"So why are you here again?" Peggy asks and Maria visibly elbows Peggy in the side.
"You could've said that nicer!" Maria says and then they both looked at me.
"What were you guys doing at 2pm today..?" I sound like an investigator. Goddammit.
"Making out I guess." Maria leans back on her arms and shrugs. Hold your horses. WHAT??
"Yeah.. we were, weren't we? Near that brick wall thing." I scratch the back of my neck in confusion and get up.
"Okay.. first of all... WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!? second of all I saw you and I was very confused but I slay girlie pop or something.." Peggy looks at me, she looks dead inside.
"Please never say that again. For the sake of humanity..." I smile and rush out of there. I insert the key into the lock and open the door to my dorm. I close the door behind me and collapse on my bed. Ugh.. I just need a little peace and quiet-
"God my heaaaaaadddd..." I hear from the other side of the door. I can tell it's John so I ignore it, knowing he took his set of keys. He bursts through the door and slams it behind him.
"Are you okay?" I ask and he stumbles over to me.
"I'll be okay if you kiss me.." he whispers. I freeze and he stares me in the eyes. I can't look away but the tension stops the moment he hiccups. Wow.. he's drunk.
"Ugh... Look, go to sleep.." I direct him to his bed and pull the blanket over him. He suddenly grabs my collar and presses his lips against mine. I immediately pull away but he pulls me in for more. I can taste the alcohol in his mouth and it tastes weird. fuck.. what the hell?
"What- uhm.. Jesus.. uhm.. have you been drinking..?" I ask, wiping my mouth. That's a dumb question. He obviously has.
"Yeah... I'm sorry..." He apologizes and I step away but I can't leave him like this. I grab his turtle plushie and shove it in his arms. He snuggles it and slowly falls asleep. I feel weird after that kiss.. he's drunk so he probably won't remember it tomorrow so it's fine.. I walk over to my bed and get in it. I slowly fall asleep. What the fuck happened today..?

Slipped away. || Lams story || MODERN AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora