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I hold his hand as he gets taken away on the hospital bed.
"Sorry, sir we need to do an examination." I get ushered away. I fall to my knees and sob.
"Alex.." Eliza kneels down next to me. I fall into her arms, crying heavily. Angelica, Peggy, Maria, laf and herc all huddle up and hugs us. Is he going to die..? Fuck.. I walk over to the waiting room seat and head my head on my hands. We wait... and wait... And wa- the doctor walks up to us.
"Are you all with John Laurens?" The doctor asks. We all nod and he looks down at his clipboard. I look at Peggy and Maria. They were at this hospital yesterday for her leukemia checkup and now they're back. I look back at the doctor and I feel tears run down my face. I wipe them quickly but laf sits down next to me and rubs my back.
"He had a serious injury to the head but it is healing nicely. And he has a piece of metal in his side. Near his kidney. But that will be okay too. I'll inform you if anything else happens. Thank you for listening." Thank God he's okay...
"Uhm- excuse me, doctor." I say before he leaves. "When do we get to visit him?" He looks back and smiles.
"As soon as we get the metal out of him. See you in a bit." He says.  I place my head in my hands.
"What's wrong, mon ami?" Laf asks. I lift my head up and sigh.
"If he dies th-"
"Shut your mouth. He will not die. Anyways continue.."
"Then he won't know that I love him. He won't kno-" I start crying and Peggy wiped my tears. A policewoman walks over to us. She smiles sweetly and bends down to my level since I sitting on a chair.
"Is your name Alexander?" She asks.
"Yeah? Why?" I respond. She hands me a half soaked letter. It's in black ink and the handwriting is amazing. I start to read.

'Dear Alexander,
I will probably mess up everything I'll say to you so I'm writing a letter to say everything I need. In short, I may have feelings for you. I love your personality and how your smile glistens in the sun. I love how horribly you dress because it's adorable. So what I'm saying is, do you feel the same? Xoxo
- John.'

I put my hand to my mouth and tears flowed down my cheeks more. Why am I crying so much. You know what? Maybe it's because the one time I actually feel love and they feel it too, they get hit why a fucking truck. UGH..
"Thank you.." I mutter through my tears. The policewoman puts her hand on mine and smiles. I look at her and smile back.
"The person who hit him was partially drunk. You can sue them. But we can talk about that later." She gets up from crouching. "Hope your boyfriend  is okay!" She smirks as she walks away quickly.
"HE ISN'T MY BOYFRIEND!" I yell playfully.
"... Yet." Laf mutters under his breath. I turn to him with an annoyed expression. We all start bursting into laughter. I'm glad I met all these people. To be honest. I wouldn't have all these amazing people if I didn't meet John. Besides Peggy then yeah. I pull out my phone and see all the texts from random numbers. Everyone knew I was his room mate so I'm guessing they thought to text me instead. They all just say 'hope he gets better soon' 'tell him I said get well soon' all that kind of shit. Even Jefferson texted saying that no one deserves that. That was... Cool of him actually. It takes balls to say that after tormenting me and John for nearly a month. I might have a nap.. I'm fucking tired.. I rest my head on Lafs shoulder and he adjusts his body to make me more comfortable. I close my eyes. Darkness floods my sight. I wake up in the same waiting room. Maybe I had a really short dreamless nap. I look around and see that no one is around me. I hear crying from the other room. John's room. I get up and slowly approach the hospital door. I rest my hand on the doorknob and pull. The door slowly opens and I see a lifeless John. No- fuck! He can't be dead- everyone's there around his stone cold body. I think I'm going to throw up.
"Alex!! Wake up!!" I feel my body shake as I return back to the hospital waiting room. Peggy is shaking me. No one else is there but her. My heart starts beating like crazy. No- this is too real to be a dream. Is he-
"John woke up!" What? Really? I get up and start running to the door.
"Hold your horses there." She grabbed my arm and told me to wait there. She peeked her head through The door into John's room. My friends start flooding out and Peggy leads me there.
"What are you doing-"
"Giving you some.. privacy~" HUH?
"PEGGY!! WAIT!!" She pushes me into the room and slams it closed. I don't try and leave. I look into his eyes. But he breaks the stare by turning his body around.
"John..?" I whisper. He mutters something my ears can't pick up.
"John." I say more strongly. He turns around. Tears rimming his waterline.
"I'm so fucking stupid." He groans. I stopped inching towards him. Why would he say that?
"I guess I love stupid men then. Fuck sake, not again." I slap my forehead and he leans up on his bed.
"What did you say..? Because I think I heard-"
"No. You heard me. ... I uhm.. read your letter.." he looks at me and closes his eyes in embarrassment.
"Fuck, you actually read that?" He laughs slightly. Looking away. I started speed walking to him. I gently grabbed his chin. I stared into his beautiful eyes.
"Alex. No." I stop and step back. What? Does he not want this?
"You can't cheat on Eliza. That's disgusting, Alex. God-" I interrupt him by laughing like crazy.
"Yeah so Eliza realized that I wouldn't stop talking about you so she broke up with me the nicest way possible. It's crazy how someone can do something so hurtful in such a nice way.." I stop for a moment to look at him. "That was before people started to shout that you got..." I started tearing up for the 5836th time. "Sorry.. I was so scared." He grabs my face and pulls me close. Our lips collided and I felt my stomach twist and turn in a weird but pleasing way. I kiss him back. We closed our eyes but opened them back up when we heard cheering from outside. The gang were peeking through the small window on the door. Excuse me? This is the one time I need privacy and you don't give it to me. The disrespect! I pull away from him.
"Hold on.." I walk over to the window and their happy faces turn into angry faces. Herc flips me off as I put the flap down which covers the small window. I walk back to John.
"Where were we?" I hold his face and kiss him. I open my mouth slightly and his tongue slips into my mouth. I don't resist as I do the same. He leans back as I put one leg on the bed because I can lean down just to kiss him. We pull away and smile.
"My turn." He whispers and I get worried but he grabs my shirt and pushes me gently onto his bed. He's now on top of me and I really don't care.
"Shit, be careful. You still have an IV connected." I remind him. He looks down and leans back to fiddle with it. He sits on legs and to be completely honest. It kinda turns me on. Him being on top of me and all- SHIT ALEX, SHUT UP.
"Ow- he fiddles with his IV a little more then shakes his wrist around. I'm guessing to see if it falls off when he moves. It doesn't so he looks back at me. He goes down and starts kissing me passionately.
"ARE YOU DONE?" Eliza shouts from outside. "YOU'RE GONNA MAKE HIM FAINT ALEX!?" I stop and go red immediately. He giggles slightly and it is goddamn adorable.
"IM FINE! IF I DO THEN ATLEAST ILL BE PLEASED!" He shouts. Fuck. I cover my now bright red face with my hands and he moves them out the way. He starts kissing me again. I relax and our tongues do that thing again. I can't even control my actions anymore. It's like my body is doing what it wants. I then do something that is the most embarrassing. Humiliating thing ever. I. Moan. FUCK!? WHY DID I DO THAT? He stops kissing me. FUUUUUUCK.
"Did you just-"
"Yeah..." He starts laughing and I cover my face in embarrassment.
"Do I turn you on that much?"
"You kinda... Uhm... Pulled... My hair..." I whisper. He gasps loudly and I cover him mouth. Indicating bim not to shout out... That.
"YOU HAVE A HAIR PULLING KINK?!" ... Well fuck me then.
"JOHN. LAURENS." I shout. But the damage has been done.
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" I hear someone shout from outside. They burst through the door and of course. The sight they see is John. On top of me. Basically sitting on my di- NO. ALEX.
"We leave you two. For 7. FUCKING. MINUTES. And you are already riding each other."
"SHUT UP PEGGY!" Me and John shout at the same time. Both of our faces are a deep red colour. He slowly gets off of me and I step back onto the marble-like floor. I put my hood up. And look away from the crowd on smirks.
"Anyways.. we gotta go Alex. Campus closes soon." I turn back to John and lift his chin up to kiss him. It was quick but effective. He looked away and I could see his face grow brighter and brighter.
"Bye, John." I take his hand and kiss it as I walk out. They all say bye and when they shut the door we all put our ears to it. I could hear squealing from the other side. How adorable is he?
"Next time you ride each other, give us a word of warning okay?"

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