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I turn my body around and wipe my eyes. Ugh.. I shouldn't have had 7. I should've just thrown away my shots.
"Moooooorniiiing... You good?" I groan as I lean up on my bed. I can't remember a single thing last night. All I can remember is putting Alex to bed... I feel like something happened before that though... Nevermind. I don't hear a response so I look over the desk and realize that he's not there.
"Alex? You in the bathroom?" I yell. I wait for a response. Nothing. I get up and walk towards the bathroom. I fiddle with the handle but it's locked from the inside.
"Alex? You good?" I shout again.
"Y- uhm... Yeah! I'm good! Definitely!" I can obviously tell something's up.
"You are definitely not okay. What's up?" I say. I don't want to worry him.
"Do- ... Do you remember what happened here last night?" I hesitate and step back a bit. Did something happen last night?
"The only thing I remember is I think you threw up and I dragged you into your bed. Is that bad?" I hear him sigh and he unlocks the door.
"No, I was just wondering because I couldn't remember anything too. I was just feeling nauseous again." I smile at him and look him up and down.
"You need to change because I'm not letting you go out in the outfit you wore yesterday." He laughs and goes to the wardrobe. He put all his clothes in his wardrobe when I was scrolling through my phone yesterday. I go up to the calendar and  check what day it is. It says today is Saturday which feels wrong but I ignore it. He goes into the bathroom and locks the door. I grab my sketchbook and pencil and start drawing away. I sketch a little turtle in the corner of the page but then start sketching the shape of a face. Then some straight shoulder-length hair. Then some glistening eyes.. IS THAT ALEX?! I scrunch the picture up and throw it in the trash.
"Done. You can get changed in there now. Where even are we going at... (He looks at his watch) 9 am?" I stand up and go through my side of the wardrobe.
"We're meeting the sisters." I say, hoping he knows I'm talking about Angelica, Peggy and Eliza.
"Oh! Do you mean Peggys sisters? The... What was their surnames.. Schuylers!" I nod happily and walk to the bathroom. I put on some jeans and a pink T-shirt. Angie sewed some turtle patches on my jeans. She's a really good at sewing. I unlock the door to Alex rummaging through the trash. Oh shit. He stands up, looking at a piece of paper which was very wrinkled.
"Woah... Did you draw this!?" He says, shoving the piece of paper in my face. I quickly snatch it out of his hands and turn around.
"Yeah.. But it's really bad!" I protest. He looks at me with sadness in his eyes.
"I really liked it! It looks just like me!" He says wayyy to happily. I turn back and hand him the piece of paper back.
"I said we would meet at quarter to 10." I say, trying to change the subject. He gets his bag and I do the same, Packing my sketchbook and water bottle. We both exit the dorm and I lock the door behind us. We talk about random shit and stuff until we get to Angie and Elizas room. I knock on the door in a certain pattern and they scream 'Johns here!!' and I chuckle slightly. Eliza opens the door enthusiastically. She's wearing a blue ruffle tube top with matching short sleeves and plain black leggings. I hug her and walk inside the dorm. It's a really nice dorm with two different bathrooms. The room is split in two sides. One is a blue color which is most definitely Elizas side and a peachy orange colour on the other. Both have king-sized beds.
"Hey Angie. You good?" Angelica looks back at me, smiling and waving. Angelica's wearing a baggy purple shirt and cycling shorts. Peggy is wearing a baby yellow tank with a black skirt.
"Heya John. PEGGY HOW DID YOU-" Her body tenses up and I look down at what's happening. Peggy and Angie have switch controllers in their hands and they're playing Mario kart.
"HAHA, SKILL ISSUE!" Peggy yells as I place my bag down.
"Woah! You dyed your hair magenta!" I say randomly.
"Only the tips, BUT! Maria told me I would look good so I did it." She continues playing the game while looking at me. HOW? I look over and see Eliza and Alex having a deep conversation. I'm glad he feels comfortable already. She touches his hand and I feel something in my stomach. I'm just going to ignore it.
"Is that the 'Alex' Pegs was talking about?" I nod and she looks at him confused.
"He looks tired as hell." Peggy mutters and I jump up suddenly. They look at me with mischievous looks on their faces.
"What?" I say, confused.
"What was your gay little ass doing last night to make him so tired? Huh?" Angie asks suspiciously. I feel my face heating up and I wave my hands everywhere.
"NOTHING HAPPENED!? WE JUST WENT TO THE BAR AND HE GOT HELLA DRUNK?!" I try to convince them otherwise but they still have that look on their face. I sigh and get out my sketchbook as Alex and Eliza walk over. I start to sketch Peggy and Angelica playing Mario Kart but they keep on moving so I just make up my own poses for them. I look up to see Eliza with a happy but strange smile on her face. I look back down and see a little drawing on Eliza next to Peggys face and it says 'How dare you not draw me >:(' I giggle slightly but rub it out so I can actually draw her. Eliza takes art too, Angie takes Fashion/sewing and Peggy takes Anatomy so the drawing Eliza did wasn't bad.
"Elizaaaaa... I'm hungry!" Peggy groans as Eliza gives her an annoyed look. She pulls herself up and goes to the cabinet. She grabs a bag of salted chips and hands them to Peggy. Her eyes light up as she rips open the bag. We all look at her with a shocked face.
"Girl, have you not eaten today? Or yesterday?" I say, stepping back slowly. She looks up at me and gives me a death stare after digging into her chips again.
"Wanna play?" Eliza shoves the switch controller into Alex's chest. They go to Eliza's bed and connect the switch to her TV. They start to play animal crossing. I just watch them.
"I think Eliza's found a little boyfriend..!" Angie teases.
"Yeah.." I sigh. They both look at me and realize something. It looks like they just realized I was Spiderman or something stupid.
"Do you like Alex!?" Peggy shouts quietly. WHAT!? HUH NO!?
"NO!? WHAT!?" I shout a little too loud. I turn away and feel my cheeks get hotter and hotter. Do I? Fuck. John, you can't fall for every man you get close to. My dad can't even accept me so why should I prove him wrong when he's right. It's a waste of a generation. My cheeks are now cold. I get up from Angie's bed and look at the door.
"John? Are you o-"
"Yeah. I'm going to my dorm." I coldly grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder. I slightly storm out of the room. I make it to my door and insert the key into the lock. The handle doesn't budge. I try again. Nothing
"YOU FUCKING DOOR HA-" a hand grabs mine and gently helps me unlock the door. I look next to me and I see bushy magenta hair.
"John." She says with her hands on her hips. I look down and watch the tears fall to the ugly carpet. She slowly pushes me inside my dorm and closes the door after her. I curl up on my bed and squeeze my turtle plushie. The light green turns into a dark green in moments.
"Oh.. my gay baby.." Peggy mutters as she sits on the bed beside me, rubbing my back.
"What's wrong..?" She asks quietly. I hesitate.
"I'm confused, okay?" I say. She leans her head on my shoulder. She sighs and closes her eyes.
"You don't know if you like Alex. Do you?" Peggy whispers. I sit up and look at her, knowing it's true. I look at my feet and lean back on my pillow.
"I feel... Weird when he's with Eliza. I love her with all my heart but I feel a little jealous. And something happened last night but I can't remember what. Alex was acting all suspicious so I'm guessing something happened which is embarrassing.." Peggys eyes widen and she smiles.
"Just give it time. Maybe a day or two.. if he give you signs OR talks to you about it then he's trying to get close with you." She mutters. I wrap my arms around her and she does the same.
"You're my favourite gay..." She says.
"You're my favourite lesbian..." I say back.

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