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TW : Someone gets hurt!! If you want to avoid that scene please skip the last part. I will put the mark '§ § §' when it starts so skip the chapter then xx

(3 days later)


I sit at the desk in our dorm. The time is 8 pm. It's surprisingly alive at this time in the halls. Alex is at Angie and Eliza's room. I read over the letter over and over again.

'Dear Alexander,
I will probably mess up everything I'll say to you so I'm writing a letter to say everything I need. In short, I may have feelings for you. I love your personality and how your smile glistens in the sun. I love how horribly you dress because it's adorable. So what I'm saying is, do you feel the same? Xoxo
- John.'

I get up from my seat and put the letter in my pocket. I don't grab anything else because I'm probably going to run back here when I hand him it. I open the door and close it behind me. I start walking and look at my surroundings. It's quite a walk (5 minutes) and I don't have my pho- nevermind it's right there. I go onto instagram and scroll through the feed. A post from Peggy_69 has a picture of Maria kissing her cheek and Pegs smiling. There's text that says,
'Just found out I don't have leukemia again!!' I smile because I'm very happy for her. No one deserves leukemia. She tagged Maria in it. I scroll down again. There's another post that's by Lafayette and it's him flipping off a baguette. Weird.. the caption says, 'Disgrace to france.' I laugh slightly and look up from my phone. Peggy is there with Maria. Obviously.
"Hey, Congrats Peggy!" They look at me confused but then they start smiling and Peggy hugs me.
"I'm glad I'm okay.. the doctors also said that I won't get it for about... 30 years!" I hug her tightly and then she goes back to touching up Maria. Goddamn that girl can be horny whenever. Both of em. It's like they're the same person.. weird.
"I'm on a mission." I say, trying to peak their interest.
"Tell me now." Maria says, putting her phone away.
"So I wrote a you know.. letter that I'm going to give Alex because I know nothing will come out when I talk." I pass them the letter. They look at each other. A worried expression floods their faces. My smile turns into a frown.
"Oh.." Maria mutters. Peggy puts her hand on her heart and sighs.
"Honey.. don't you know?" What..? What is she talking about.. I step back and dig my nails into my flesh.
"What..?" They glance at each other again. And look back at the letter.
"Seriously, what's wrong?" I stuttered quietly.
"Uhm.. well.. Alex is dating Eliza.." The atmosphere turns dark, empty, and alone. My heart aches. I clutch my shirt where my heart is. I laugh but tears fall, making my white shirt grey.
"I- think I'm going to go now." I take the letter back and shove into my pocket. Not even folding it up so it doesn't wrinkle. My eyes won't stop leaking. Fuck. I watch as the automatic doors open to let me through. The sky is like a vast ink stain. The street lamps illuminate the sidewalk. I stumble down the campus to the street. I'm just embarrassing myself more. I feel some weight fall from my pockets but I really don't care. I look around and see the lights of the bar in front of me.

§ § §

The only thing in my way of the street. I step on the tarmac and start walking. I turn my head to see a bright light blinding me.


"I win!" Eliza slams her hands on the coffee table and has a large smile on her face.
"How are you so good at the Wii!?" She laughs and sits back down.
"Can you guys calm down? I'm tryna study here?" We apologize and turn off the console. I look at my phone and see a post from John. It's his laf and herc all at the bar. The post was from 2 days ago. John does look good in that picture.
"How long have we been together for now?" Eliza asks as I look away from my phone.
"3 days I think? We've only told your sisters and I won't be surprised if she told Maria." Eliza laughs as she looks at my phone that I'm holding in my hand. I realized I was zoomed in on John's face and I quickly turned my phone off. He smile fades as I look away.
"You've been looking at pictures of John for a while now actually. Haha." She looks down. "Alex. I need to talk to you." Shit. Please don't say it is about me looking at John. Or me talking about him. Ugh..
"Yeah, go ahead." I sit up better and she does the same.
"I know you like John. I mean romantically." She smiles gently at me and I widen my eyes.
"Huh!? No I don't!" She giggles and puts her hand on mine.
"If you love that man, then go get him. What are you waiting for?" I stop resisting and finally give in. I think I love John.
"You're right. I think you're one of  the most amazing girls but I see you more as a friend. Like Angelica or Peggy. I basically see your whole family as besties." She smiles and hugs me.
"I'm glad you let it out, Alex." She pulls away and then she whispers,
"Also, go check what Angelica is doing cuz I'm nosey!!" I laugh slightly.  I walk over to Angelica and peer over her shoulder. She's copying info from a textbook and making diagrams. I didn't know fashion was this complicated. Jesus.. we suddenly hear some noise from the halls. We ignored it at first but it got louder and louder.
"Yo! Someone just got hit by a truck!" Never seen them before. We all get up and start following the crowd.
"I hope they're okay.." Eliza stutters as she holds Angelica's hand. We see a crowd of uni students around an area on the street. It's just outside our campus. We push through the large scale of people and can only see some blood on the tarmac. I hear people crying and cursing. I hear ambulance sirens. I hear phones chiming. The students who are near the body move out the way I can see a white shirt. They move more out the way and I see curl- no.. no, no, no, no-
"JOHN!" I race to the unconscious body and push the people near him away. FUCK! I place my hand on his face. He's still warm but his temperature is dropping rapidly.
"WHERE IS HE?" Lafayette runs to John and puts his head to his chest.
"His heart is still beating!" He announces as the ambulance arrives. They bring a stretcher and pull him up onto it.
"Kid, you gotta stay here if you have no relation to him." The medic says.
"I'm his roommate! His best friend!" They lead me to the ambulance but I hesitate getting on.

' "She isn't breathing!" Red lights. sirens. I watch as my mother gets taken away on a stretch.
"MOMMY! STOP!" My screams are dug deep into the dirt.
Time of death, 4:27 pm.
Cause of death : Yellow fever. '

I quickly enter the ambulance and see Laf and Herc next to him.
"John!" I run to him as the ambulance starts driving.
"John!? Can you hear me?" I yell. Hercules is crying and Lafayette is on call to somebody. He's also tearing up.
"PLEASE! YOU CANT DIE!! I LOVE YOU!!" I scream. Tears fall down my cheeks. I keep on remembering how much blood was on the floor. The pool surrounded him. God..
"I love you.. John."

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