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(The next day)


I sit on my elevated hospital bed and watch the news. I wipe my eyes and actually focus.

'Yesterday night, University student, John Laurens, got hit with a truck by a man under the influence of alcohol.'

They're still on about that? For fuck sake. That was one of the worst days of my life.. wait no. Sorry my best. Alex kissed me! Well at least this time I wasn't drunk.. Anyway! Alex texted me saying he's staying the night and he said he misses me... 6 times. He's adorable. I hear the door open and close and I look in the direction. Alex! He drops his bags and runs to hug me.
"I missed you.." I mutter, still in his arms.
"I missed you more. You can tell with my 5 messages!" He says proudly.
"It was actually 6, learn to count." I say and he looks at me angrily.
"How dare you." He whispers as we both laugh like crazy.
"Are they actually still talking about the accident?" He says, glaring at the TV in the room. I try to speak but all I do is open my mouth and make a squeaky sound. Shit. It's happening again. Since my head hit the floor pretty bad, it affected my speaking so sometimes I randomly can't talk for an hour. Only that though. Everything else is fine. I tap him on the shoulder and groan. He looks at me and I point at my mouth.
"Do you need water?" He asks innocently. I shake my head. He starts to blush and get all flustered.. why is he-
"John!? I'm not going to do that here! That's inappropriate!" ALEX. I push him back and cover my face. GOD HES SO DIRTY MINDED!? My face heats up. I shake my head aggressively and wave my hand at my neck to show 'no' then doing that talk thing with my hand to show 'talking'.
"Oooh.. I thought you were.. yk.." I smirk at him and pull him in for a kiss. He kisses back but I pull away to have a drink of water in my bedside table. I get my phone out and I Scooch over for Alex to sit. I pat the seat and he sits down. I rest my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me.
"Whacha wanna do?" He asks. I click on Disney + and go on the 'classics'. I point to the first good one I see. It was 'The little mermaid.'
"What's that about?" He asks quietly. No. Fucking. Way. This man has NEVER seen The little mermaid!? I turn slowly to look at him. A shocked and angry face faces him.
"HUH? WHAT!?" He jumps back a little and I quickly press onto the movie. I connect it to the TV and he moves back next to me. We watch the mermaid get her voice taken away.
"UGH, WHAT A DUMBASS!?" I giggle and he kisses my forehead. It made sparks fly through my stomach. He's such a sweetheart. Eric found Ariel on the beach and my eyes slowly start to close. I see black. I squint and I soon see Alex.
"Alex!" I shout. He holds out his arms to greet me. I run closer to him but as soon as I get a meter away from him, a truck hits him aggressively and he falls to the ground. A pool of blood is created from under his head.
"Fuck!" I jolt up from the hospital bed. I look to my side to see Alex fast asleep. I sigh in relief. I'm glad he's safe. I feel a vibration from his pocket and take out his phone. A message pops up. I bring the phone closer to see what it said.
'See you tomorrow. Can wait for your body.. 😍' what. I drop the phone in shock and he wakes up. 
"Hey, babe.." he sees the tears streaming from my eyes.
"What's wrong!?" He puts his hand on my face and I push it off.
" 'Can't wait for your body'..? Fucking funny how you confess that you feel the same just to walk right over me." I slap him and push him off the bed. He's on the floor, helpless. Tears flood his face.
"Stop crying, goddammit. Get up." I say, coldy. He leans up and uses the wall to support him
"I didn't know any better!" He puts his face in his hands and I watch as the tears seep through his fingers.
"I am ruined." I get up and walk towards the door. My IV gets pulled out but there isn't any pain.
"Please don't leave me! I am helpless!" How could I do this? I look back at him in anger and shoot him a heartless glance.
"Two faced Bastard." I- ... I didn't say that? What the fuck!? I didn't say that!?! My mouth did it on its own!? I swing open the door and accidentally step into a deep hole. It doesn't end. I fall. And I fall. And I fall.
"FUCK!?" I shout as I jitter upwards.
"Shit! Are you okay!? John!?" Alex shakes me and I look back at him teary eyed.
"Are you- seeing someone else..?" He widens his eyes and puts his cold hands on my face.
"Why would you say that!?" He looks actually concerned. He kisses me quickly and pulls me into a hug. I accept it and start crying.
"You cheated on me- in my nightmare.." he shushes me and I relax in his arms.
"The movie is finished.. we have all the time in the world, my love." I flinch at that nickname. I like it.
"SHIT- sorry.. I didn't ask you-" I just kiss him gently. He kisses me back and puts his hands on my neck.
"I love the name." I whisper. He blushes and starts kissing me more passionately. I giggle at this and do the same. His hands slither down to my waist. I laugh slightly again.
"It's getting dark.." he says pulling away. Oh right. He came here at 4:30 pm. We have our dinner at 4 so I'm set for.
"Did you eat?" He looks at me and smirks. Oh fuck. Hes going to-
"I haven't eaten but I could eat you out?" There it is. I cover my face in disappointment.
"I set myself up there." We laugh as he stops for a second.
"No, seriously. I'm starving." I giggle slightly and bend down to pick up some chips from his bag.
"Just have these..?" I say. He frowns.
"But I was going to share them!"
"I don't like this flavor." He gasps and puts his hands on his hips.
"You don't like spicy nacho Doritos!?" He says, offended. I start laughing and I bury my face in his chest. He holds me and I suddenly hear a rumble sound. Was that-
"Yeah.. so I really am hungry. So pass them fucking chips over." I pass them over and he happily devoured them. He turns his body around and pops something in his mouth. I wonder..
"Wanna make out?" Okay then. Random but I have to agree. I was thinking that too.
"Not with that spicy nacho breath." He picks up a packet of mint gum and shows me. I sigh and pull him in. Our lips collided and I smiled mid kiss. We do that thing with our tongues and close our eyes. He wraps his hands around my waist and I wrap mine around his head. I'm definitely in love.

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