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I follow the doctors to a white, surgery room. I walk towards him but I am ushered away. I haven't even told anyone. I pull out my phone and look through my contacts. I quickly put away my phone. I can't speak right now. All I can do is cry. I watch as more doctors flood into the room and I get a pit in my stomach. If they need more doctors then he's not doing good. I see a doctor and walk up to her.
"Uhm- is.. is he okay?" I stutter and choke. She puts her hand on my shoulder.
"We are doing our best. I promise you we will treat him with care." She smiles sweetly and tears flood my eyes. She opens her arms as if she's asking if I want a hug. I accept and embrace her. It was quick but I needed that.
"Can- can I see.. him..?" She looks down at her clipboard and back at me.
"Sorry to ask but, do you have any relation to him? We aren't letting friends but if you are in a relationship with him or family I can." I sniff and smile.
"I'm his boyfriend." I say. She waves her hand, indicating for me to follow her and she pushes the door open.
"Sorry, we aren't letting friends in rig-" A doctor fiddling with a machine says to me. But he gets interrupted.
"They're dating, Darren." The woman says as she leads me to his bed. He's connected to tubes and it makes me flinch. It makes me relive the memories of my mother. But I push them away. I put my hand on his cheek and the other on his chest. The slight movement makes me feel a little relieved. Suddenly a painful but slight expression washes his face.
"What's going on? Is- is he alright?!" I worryingly ask as a beeping noise starts on a machine. Doctors surround him. I feel my breathing rate get high and I step back. I hear a continuous beep. He flatlined. Tears run down my cheeks.
"JOHN!?" I start shouting and the same woman from earlier leads me out the room. She looks like she holding in tears.
"I think it's best if you wait- ... Out here for a little while.." she mutters as she rushes back into the room. I fall to my knees and pull out my phone. I finally have the strength to call somebody. I click on 'Angelica' because she doesn't have a hangover and she can maybe bring her sisters.
"Please... Come..." I mutter into the phone.
"Alex..? You okay?" She asks.
"It's John." She goes silent for a moment.
"Where are you?"
"The hospital near campus." I hear her shout for Peggy and Eliza and a rustle of keys.
"Do you want me to contact anyone else? I can do everything just stay where you are." I mutter laf and herc into the speaker.
"Okay. How- how is he..?" I start to sob.
"He-" She doesn't pressure me.
"He fucking flatlined Angie." I hear 3 gasps from them. I then hear crying. Sounds like Peggy.
"We- uhm.. we're on our way." She hangs up. I don't need to inform herc or laf. I scroll down to V on my contacts. I see the name 'Velvet's jewellery' and press call.
"Hello, This is Velvets jewellery. How can I help you."
"I would like- uhm.. to put my order on hold." I hear typing.
"Okay! What is your name?"
"Alexander Hamilton." I nearly choke on 'hamilton' but I successfully say it.
"If you don't mind me asking, what is the reason for your hold of your wedding ring?" Tears flood down my eyes again.
"I- my boyfriends in hospital. I- I don't think he's going- going to make it." I hear a small gasp from the other line.
"I am so sorry to hear that.. I pray he will be okay. How is he doing?" I hesitate.
"He.. actually just flatlined." She does an even louder gasp.
"I- ... I don't know what to say... I hope the best for all of your friends and family... If you don't mind.. can you tell me his name?" I close my eyes in pain.
"John.. John Laurens." I hear a slight laugh from the other side.
"What a handsome name. I pray for his survival.. goodbye and good luck." I say bye and she hangs up. I hear a squeak of shoes and soon see Angelica, Peggy and Eliza.
"Oh my god. Alex have they said anything else?!" Eliza bends down to my level on the floor and so do the other sisters.
"N-" I start crying hysterically. I've given up. They take me in to their arms. Soon Laf and herc join us.
"John!? Is he okay!?" Lafayette shouts as he and herc run over. They see me sobbing and stop in their tracks.
"They haven't said anything yet." Angelica informs them. Laf is holding in tears. Is obvious. Soon, a doctor walks out. They have a pained expression. No. No no no. Fuck-
"I'm sorry, but he didn't make it."
I scream. I finally get something good in my life and now he's gone.
"LET ME SEE HIM. PLEASE!?" I get up and scream at the doctor. he opens the door to let me in. I run to his bed. His face is pale but his eyes are closed. I press my lips against his. It's cold.
"How did he die." I ask, choking on my tears.
"The accident he had months ago created a blood clot. It was too small for us to see at the time so we didn't discover it." My heart hurts. "It grew bigger and stopped blood from going into his essential organs. I.. am extremely sorry." I just stare at the wall. The emptiness is how I feel. I put my hand on John's and squeeze.
"I love you, John." I whisper, now staring at him. I turn to my friends.
"Can we please go."
"Please?!" I shout. They all look at me with pain. I walk towards them and they embrace me. I stumble to Angelica's car. It's a massive one so we all can fit. All 7 of- sorry I mean 6.
"Hey, can I make a quick call while we drive?" I ask. They all nod and get inside. I click 'velvets jewellery'
"Hello. This is Velvets jewellery. How can I help you?" Its the same woman but she seems sadder.
"Hello. It's Alex."
"Oh my god. Is he- is he okay?" I sigh.
"He's dead." She starts crying. I can tell. Even though they're quiet sobs.
"I need to cancel the ring." My voice is emotionless.
"Oh my god, Alex-" Angelica start tearing up.
"Okay, I have done that for you. I hope your okay. Goodbye Alex." She hangs up and Angelica's stopped the car.
"You were going to propose to him?" Herc asks, covering his mouth. I nod wearily. Fuck. John. I love you.

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