Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I was surrounded by grey. Everything was an even shade if grey. There was no ceiling, walls or even floor. It looks like I'm just floating in the middle of nothing. I'm all too familiar with this place. It's scary. Who would want to be familiar with a place like this? Someone is standing a few feet ahead of me.

"Camden?" I say quietly. He materializes from we're he was and papers again now standing in front of me. "I told you we would see plenty of each other." He said smiling his warm mischievous smile. I missed that smile.

"You knew. How did you know?" I asked him anxious for an answer. He knew what I was talking about. "We see everything from the other side." He answered my one question. But his answer only create more questions.

"The other side? Is that were we are?" I asked. I have so many questions and I want as many of them answered as possible. I don't know how much time we have. "We are in a part of the other side." He answered. "How?" I asked almost scared. The other side is for dead people. "You have died before but we brought you back. Through that you can communicate with the dead." He was being just as cryptic as I could be. What can I say? He learned from the best.

I remember that he told me I had died before but he never told me who the "we" was. I need to know that. Who brought me back?

"We?" I asked confused. "Everyone that has ever loved you. Me, your parents, Elena, Laura, the Hales, dad. We all brought you back. We fought to keep you alive." He explained. "I felt hands pushing me in the darkness. That was you?" I asked as I was realizing everything. He nodded. "It was all of us."

The grey was getting darker. I looked around frantically. "Until next time." I heard him say. I was then surrounded by darkness.

Something that sounded like a cow mooing woke me up. It came again. It then dawned on me it was my phone vibrating on the table.

I picked it up and looked at the screen. There was a text from an unknown number.

Meet me at 3:40 at the coffee shop near the high school.-Chris

He wanted to talk to me again already? I sighed, closed my eyes and rolled over. I was pushed up against something. I opened my eyes and was shocked at what I saw.

I backed up and gasped. Unfortunately I backed up too far and I fell in the floor. He laughed. "Still as graceful as ever." I sighed in frustration. "Derek what do want?" I said not bothering to get up.

"Just like it used to be." He mused. I rolled my eyes and got up. "Why are you here?" I asked him aggravated. He didn't say anything. His excretion was blank.

"I told you the truth. You told me the truth. Everything is out in the open. Now what?" I asked him. He looked into my eyes. "We learn to live with it. All of it." He said with care in his voice. That was the voice I missed. That was the voice I loved.

"I left because of something that didn't happen." I whispered. I shook my head. "If you hadn't of left there's a chance we would all be dead." He said looking away from me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you glad I left?" I asked him curiously. He looked back at me. "No. I never wanted you to leave. I don't want you to leave again." He said coldly.

Derek has emotions under there somewhere. Maybe not a large variety but more than one none the less. His grey eyes pierce me. It was almost like he was not looking at me but looking in me. Looking in my thoughts, looking in my soul.

"Would you have left anyway?" He asked staring into my eyes. I swallowed uncomfortably. "No. I had no reason to I was completely happy." I said stretching the truth a bit. Maybe completely happy was a bit much. Mostly happy was more like it.

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