Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

It wasn't long after dinner that headed to bed. and it wasn't long after that that everyone was asleep. Boyd and Cora in my parents room, Scott and Alison in the guest bedroom and Peter, Stiles and Derek on the couches. Isaac is dead to the world beside me and I'm staring at the ceiling.

No matter how much I try I can't go to sleep. I just can't turn my brain off. And I'm thinking about the weirdest thing. It just doesn't make any since.

After about and hour of continuous thinking I quietly get up and change clothes, grab my keys and head out of my room. I quietly head of the front door and grab my coat. Thankfully everyone was so tired that I didn't wake anyone up as I headed out of the house. I get into my car and back out of my driveway.

It takes me ten minutes to get to the high school. When I get out of my car I immediately head to the football field. I climbed the chain link fence that surrounded the field and the bleachers. The snow had stopped falling and the clouds where disappearing just enough to allow the moon to light up everything.

I stood in the middle of the field just staring off into the distance for a while collecting my thoughts. "You knew I would be here." I said quietly. I hear a sigh behind me. "No, I couldn't sleep either." I turned around to face a tired looking Brian.

Brian and I used to come here when we couldn't sleep and we would hang out here for a while. This was our go to place when we felt lonely and afraid. We would come here together and just enjoy each other's company.

I looked him over for a second and decided he was telling the truth. I turn and walk slowly with him following close behind.

"You could have killed me today. Why didn't you?" I asked wanting to know what really happened in his head earlier today. There was a brief pause. "I couldn't." He whispered. I stopped and turned to look at him confused. "You couldn't?" I repeat. Was this a joke? He couldn't? He shook his head.

"My entire life I was trained to kill werewolves. It doesn't matter who they are, I kill them. No mercy. And I have, over and over again. I was prepared to go though you to get to the others but when I saw you, the claws, the teeth, the growing eyes, I couldn't do it. I was supposed to kill you and I couldn't because under all that I still saw the high school girl I fell in love with." He explained. I could tell he was telling the truth but I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I knew you were and Argent even before you did. I know the story of your father and his past. I know that the Argents have a code and in the code says that if and Argent becomes a werewolf they have to die. That's what the others were prepared to do but I couldn't. Because under there somewhere I know the girl I fell in love with is hiding just beneath the surface. They saw a killer but I saw you." Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes. don't remember the last time I saw Brian cry. Never? I don't know.

"You said you can tell the guilty ones from the innocent. What did you mean?" He sounded as if he were pleading. I looking into his eyes. They were the same eyes that I had looking into so many times before but now it seemed as if I were looking at them for the first time. "Most of the werewolves in the house are completely innocent but I'm not." His expressions goes from pleading to... scared? Brian hardly ever got scared. "I've killed people before. You should have killed me, Brian. You really should have." I say as I walk past him to head out.

"I still love you, you know." He called after me. I turn back to him and look for a minute. "I know." I yell back. I them walk away and head home.

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