Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

When I stepped into the clearing the lake spread out in front of me. I had been to the lake various different times but tonight seemed different. I skimmed the clearing and found Derek, Isaac and Peter. I walked over to where they were. When Peter saw me he took an involuntary step back.

"What's going on?" I asked. Derek and Isaac turned to face me. "We were wrong." Derek said. "What?" I asked confused. "The alphas we have been dealing with we're the lower ranking alphas, I think. The rest have finally made their way to town." Derek explained.

"The leader and his higher ranking wolves." I said. We were so stupid to think that was all the alphas. We should have known. I thought back to the Hale pack. I had been the lowest ranking beta because I wasn't family by blood. "The head alpha is here. What's the big deal?" Isaac asked. Derek and I looked at him like the uneducated boy he is. I looked at Derek. "Do you teach them nothing?" I ask. He makes a gesture that meant go ahead.

"In ever group there's a leader. Everyone go to them for help, direction, whatever. The leader has done something to gain that spot. In wolf packs the leader is an alpha.

"Derek... isn't a normal alpha. He's lenient with his betas and he gives you freedom. He allows you to do what you want. He isn't constantly telling you what to do. Most alphas don't do that." I remembered what it was like to be in the Hale pack. That's exactly how it was. We were more like a family than a pack. That's how a pack should be.

"Regular alphas control their beta's ever move, tell them what to do and where to go. They have a constant hold over them. The alphas are strong and powerful. Everything you would want in a leader." I explain.

"So kind of like a parent?" Isaac asks. I shake my head. "No, like a dictator. Except much worse." Peter shifts uncomfortably.

"So this leader, he's strong right?" Isaac asked. "He's the leader of an alpha pack. He's more than strong." I said remembering how powerful the alphas we had already fought with were.

"We're here to find Boyd and Erica." Derek said reminding us why we're here. "He's right." Peter finally spoke up.

"We should check back at the place they were before." I said. Derek nodded. "You and Isaac go. Peter and I will go back and look at the maps." I turned and left with Isaac trailing behind me.

"Why would they take Boyd and Erica?" Isaac asked as we reentered the woods. "I don't know. Maybe they think they'll have something of hold on us if they have them. How am I supposed to know? It's not like I can get inside their brain." Something hit the ground hard. I turned around and laughed at the sight if Isaac on the ground. "And you call me clumsy." I said laughing. "Shut up." He murmured as she stood back up.

"Have you considered joining Derek's pack?" Isaac asked me. I stopped and turned around to face him almost making him run into me. "What?" He asks defensively. I turned around and kept walking. "I don't know. I mean, I guess I'm already part of..." I immediate stopped.

"What is it?" Isaac asked looking around. "Something's off." I heard a stick snap. "Go back to Derek." I tell Isaac. "No, I'm not leaving you." He insisted. I turn around and my eyes change. "Go!" I yell at him. He turns and runs.

I walk further into the woods as I look around. I could tell someone was there but I couldn't tell exactly were. I heard another stick snap to my right. I turned my head just as something rammed into my left, clawing my face and jamming something hard into my ribs, sending my falling down the hill.

"No matter how many time we get you down, you just keep coming back to life." I looked up the hill to see Aiden and Ethan staring down at me.

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